Example sentences of "[art] few [adj] [noun pl] and " in BNC.

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1 If you are among the few unlucky ones and would like to try an alternative attack — please get in touch with me .
2 The memorial is on the slopes of Hill 107 where the few remaining officers and 200 men of both squadrons including mechanics , armourers , clerks and cooks , fought as infantry alongide New Zealand soldiers .
3 Kislev was already defended by the few remaining Kislevites and a large Dwarf army which had marched northwards once the fall of Praag became known in Karaz a Karak .
4 The relationship between staff and students of University College , apart from the pastoral care of the few Anglican students and staff , involved me increasingly in a study of the history and culture of Burma .
5 We used to do any typing that was needed for the Aurae Phiala publications , and for the few little books and articles Stephen occasionally produced .
6 These changes have , of course , encouraged non-Marxists to argue that Marxist theory is now invalid because power is no longer concentrated in the hands of a few economic owners and their friends .
7 While the criteria apply to around 260 companies throughout Europe , Jeffrey Knight , special adviser to the Federation , says that it hopes to start the Eurolist early next year with a few major companies and then expand it rapidly .
8 The writing of a biography is simply impossible for more than a few major churchmen and even fewer secular rulers in the early Middle Ages .
9 Nightingale Park is in Edmonton and offers a few remaining studios and one-bedroom apartments , priced from £42,000 and £48,000 respectively .
10 He was able to assure her that in spite of a few twisted ankles and bruised limbs , those same Jocks were skiing not half badly by the time that strange wartime holiday was over .
11 Ironically , fate intervened and he never did make that his career , which is probably just as well , since when he was given the task many years later of steering British Aerospace into the private sector he crossed swords with more than a few civil servants and did n't have a lot of time for them .
12 Danvers , Massachusetts-based PictureTel Corp is cutting prices on its M-8000 bridge product family : it says it will offer a fully H.320 version of its M-8000 Multipoint Bridge starting at $45,000 for the M-8600 with three ports : the M-8600 is for customers with only a few videoconferencing systems and limited requirements for linking a large number of sites on the same call ; the H.320 standards-compliant version will ship in the autumn .
13 A few sprouted wings and took to the air , without bothering to become birds first .
14 There are quite a few experienced players and there 's enough dedication to win us some matches .
15 But predominantly the architecture is distinctively Lincolnshire with a preponderance of old brick farmhouses and barns , a few whitewashed cottages and many , many churches built of local greenstone .
16 Of the total NHS budget , as we can see from Figure 10.2 , a small part — less than 3 per cent — is taken by the central department to provide central administration , supply a few specialist services and give a few specific grants .
17 Gary felt it was right to pray about this and share his thoughts not only with God but with a few close brothers and sisters in Christ .
18 Although not only really big natural find came to light , nearly every family group took home a few Roman coins and , perhaps , the odd hammered medieval coin as well .
19 There were rather more Presbyterians , a few Roman Catholics and Jews , and an overwhelmingly Anglican majority , at least 90 per cent of the party .
20 Remember the fighting qualities of the Maccabeans ; think of the Warsaw ghetto and the amazing resistance therein of a few ordinary men and women who fought a whole battalion of Nazi storm-troopers , while Polish people stood by and wondered at such bravery .
21 A few hectic years and the Canberra bomber wings had vanished .
22 The most enduring band of their time now seem like a memory bound up in a few classic singles and a reputation for ‘ nuttiness ’ .
23 Quiss came back to the table by way of another small , though taller , table over on the far side of the room , where a few dirty cups and cracked glasses stood in a small tin basin under a dripping tap .
24 We started off just looking for a few cuddly toys and a few pounds to send them across to the folk in Roumania because we were all very touched by the need of the children there .
25 I now live in a small Perthshire village , substantially less homogeneous than the one in which I grew up but in which there are also a few catholic families and where the majority are of presbyterian Scottish/Ulster stock .
26 Lucky Town has a few reasonable ballads and the odd image strong enough to resist the insistent undertow of formula Boss : a soldier back from the Gulf waking from a dream in which the souls of the dead ‘ rise like dark geese into the Oklahoma skies ’ .
27 After a few reasonable take-offs and landings , said those dreaded words feared by all trainee pilots , ‘ Do you think you can manage on your own for one circuit ? ’ , and promptly got out of the plane , leaving me to do the usual pre take-off checks , taxi to the beginning of the runway and nervously accelerate down the runway to do a fair take-off .
28 Four boys had beaten him up , forced him into a laundry basket and left him helpless under a cold shower , and all for a few ill-judged words and a bar of soap .
29 Labour voters who observed the anti-Labour virulence of the SNP campaigns are puzzled as to why a few Labour MPs and trade union luminaries have made it their mission to resuscitate a force that the electorate had efficiently reduced to three seats .
30 The split saw Mr Norman Tebbit align the Tory Right with the Labour front bench , while Ulster Unionists , the Scottish Nationalists , the SDP , a few Labour leftwingers and the Liberal Democrats signalled grudging support for the Cabinet , which needs every vote it can get to pass the promised bill next spring .
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