Example sentences of "[art] few [adj] [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 Volk & Welt , one of the few major publishers of the former East Germany still on the books of the Treuhand , has finally been privatised in a token DM1 buyout led by its managing director Dietrich Simon .
2 Now the few surviving members of the once thriving club have just two rooms behind The Institute pub where they meet to play snooker and enjoy an all-male sanctuary .
3 One of the few surviving descriptions of the old house is by Dr. John Wallis who took a scientific interest in the extraordinary chimneys .
4 He presents the stories of each community , first as they reacted to invasion and conquest , then as they were treated a couple of centuries later as white settlers took over their lands , and , finally , how the few surviving descendants of these once-proud people are faring today .
5 Mr Wright is an accomplished narrative historian and has made very good use of the few surviving scraps of contemporary , or nearly contemporary , accounts written by members of the various civilisations .
6 The few surviving reports of cases heard in King 's Bench during the period he was a justice ( 1295–1316 ) do not suggest that he made a major contribution to the work of the court .
7 That item of news is of great interest to me , for if true , it must be one of the few surviving examples of how the church , since the earliest times , has absorbed Pagan shrines into Roman temples into Saxon churches , etc .
8 Planning officer Anthony McGreavey said : ‘ The chapel is one of the few surviving buildings of the first part of the 18th century in the town centre
9 In the UK one of the few recent studies of the impact of educational innovation was undertaken by the Schools ' Council 's Impact and Take-Up Project .
10 However , the Junkers , instead of facing up to the industrial , economic and social changes that were sweeping Europe , preferred instead to set about the ruthless suppression of any and every gesture of sympathy for the French revolutionaries , and they took military action against the few tiny peeps of protest that emanated from Pomerania .
11 Gustave used to look back on his summer holidays at Trouville — spent between Captain Barbey 's parrot and Mme Schlesinger 's dog — as among the few tranquil times of his life .
12 The more competitors we have , the more the basic raw material of popular is presented in bland supermarket-commodity ways , the more the NME , by dint of the few extra degrees of vim , suss and humour it puts into its coverage , will seem different from everything else .
13 ONE OF THE few environmental benefits of global warming has been the drowning of the Costa del Sol .
14 One of the few circumstantial items of information we have suggests that if the Romans had not destroyed Carthage the Carthaginian intellectuals , like the Greek intellectuals , would have become pro-Roman .
15 On the wall at the end of the Long Room hangs one of the few remaining copies of the Proclamation of the Irish Republic , which was read aloud at the General Post Office on Easter Monday 1916 .
16 GCHQ began in 1919 as the Government Code and Cipher School ( GCCS ) , picking up the few remaining members of the army and naval teams of codebreakers who had operated in Britain during World War I. A very small team was formed , working on a tiny annual budget in MI6 's offices at 56 Broadway , in London .
17 It also happens to have very valuable timber , and the Chilean government is anxious to profit from the dead trees that are interspersed with living ones in the few remaining areas of forest where alerce still occurs .
18 Working with environmentalist groups , the Guarani Indians argue that Brazil can not afford to lose any more of the few remaining areas of Atlantic rainforest , of which only 5 per cent is intact .
19 In June , one of the few remaining sections of single line on the main road in Croydon was doubled , that between Aberdeen Road and Parker Road , South End .
20 A marvellous stylistic contrast to the intricacy and sophistication of these magnificent Court carpets can be seen in the delightful Marby rug — named after the Swedish village in whose church it was found — which is one of the few remaining examples of the first Anatolian or Caucasian rugs to be brought into the West .
21 The Fund also wished to cut the public wage bill ( increase unemployment ) ; lift import controls ( allowing an influx of consumer goods , thereby undermining local production ) ; privatize national industries at outrageously discounted prices ; raise interest rates ( also hitting the competitiveness of local producers ) ; and remove exchange controls ( ‘ so that a privileged few could legitimately drain the country of the few remaining dregs of foreign reserves ’ ) .
22 Mid Essex Mental Health Services is one of the few remaining branches of the NHS in the county still answerable directly to its local health authority rather than having trust status .
23 The few remaining tanks of the Chelonian assault force were moving rapidly over the rock towards them .
24 They ensured that the infant emperor continued to study in Paris for another seven years and meantime the French Resident Superior in Hue arrogated to himself the few remaining vestiges of imperial authority .
25 So she went to Madras , in whose pleasant climate she would live out the few remaining weeks of her life .
26 Opposition Members would welcome the opportunity to debate Government and Opposition policies during the general election campaign , but , given that the Prime Minister does not have the guts to call an election , can you please ensure that , during the few remaining weeks of the Government 's period of office , Prime Minister 's Question Time will be used to ask the Prime Minister questions about Government policy ?
27 THE congregation from Orangefield Presbyterian Church will see out the few remaining days of summer as they plan a family fun day this Saturday at Orangefield Park .
28 One of the few creditable responses of the outside world in this dismal war has been the provision of food and medical help .
29 It was Jack Trumper , one of the few disreputable acquaintances of his Cambridge days .
30 During his career at Chapman & Hall he became one of the few close friends of Evelyn Waugh , and in the Second World War took over many jobs in the firm , including that of production manager of the general list .
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