Example sentences of "[art] few [adj] [noun pl] in " in BNC.

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1 At the instigation of the Greenock Deaf and Dumb Christian Society , the authorities in Greenock , Scotland , approved the use of a room in Greenock Academy ( opened 1855 ) for the teaching of the few deaf children in the town .
2 One of the few salutary notes in the debate was provided by the Labour Party spokesman , Roy Jenkins ( who was to become President of the EEC Commission in the late 1970s ) , who said ,
3 Organised crime is one of the few economic activities in Russia that is growing .
4 Stansfield , one of the few prominent radicals in Gladstone 's cabinet of the early 1870s , was from a Unitarian brewing family .
5 Some of the few inspiring things in the whole gallery come from the 1951 Festival Of Britain exhibition .
6 Theirs was one of the few ale-only breweries in London at this time , most of the others producing huge amounts of porter for a voraciously thirsty market .
7 Whether such complex formal procedures could be incorporated into a graduated test scheme seems doubtful ; the few existing schemes in Britain make use of less formal teacher judgement , within guidelines from the central development team , or laid down criterion scores in tests .
8 But Connery 's antics up in the rainforest canopy at least provide one of the few effective moments in the otherwise slow-moving , uninspired Green adventure Medicine Man ( Guild , PG , out now ) .
9 The few Catholic schools in the area frequently draw on the services offered by Easton 's Community Relations Branch , as do most of the Protestant secondary schools .
10 What we do find , as with the few collective farms in Roslavl' , is an obsession with possible growth-points admired by the Bolsheviks .
11 The academic literature on the Prime Minister has given rise to one of the few serious debates in British political science ; the idea of Prime Ministerial government versus that of Cabinet government .
12 ‘ In addition to being one of the few remaining commons in the area Newtown Common is a very valuable home for wildlife . ’
13 The few remaining travellers in Gloucestershire say that they 'll soon be on the move , and predict fresh clashes with the police this summer :
14 The few remaining Jews in Eastern Europe are being allowed a greater degree of freedom , but so are antisemites .
15 Jill , charged to find the oldest building in town , located one of the few pre-earthquake buildings in downtown Jackson Square , part of the financial district .
16 Everyone 's position was dubious in some respect : no one had been able to stand aloof from the efforts of Philip and Mary to turn England back to popery , and all except the few convinced Romanists in the village hoped that the days of compulsory religion and inquisitions would now be over .
17 It is , and always has been , one of the few first-class libraries in the world and remains a leader in its field .
18 The pacing of that third movement climax is one of the few weak spots in Claus Peter Flor 's interpretation — the jump forward at 8′40″ ( fig. 129 in the score ) is either a structural miscalculation or a different take , and the premature slowing at 10′12″ ( fig. 137 ) is no more effective .
19 The stone church of S. Nicola at Bari is one of the few ancient buildings in the city to survive .
20 The Center is one of the few Christian organisations in Japan which are actively concerned with social and political issues affecting the life of the nation .
21 The enlarged CSO , under its present director , Mr Jack Hibbert ( one of the few permanent secretaries in Whitehall to have started his career as an executive officer ) , will become a separate government department responsible to the chancellor of the exchequer .
22 Shares in electronics companies were among the few attractive ones in the early 1980s , but by 1988 the National Economic Development Council was reporting that rationalization to meet foreign competition in this sector was overdue .
23 The combination of adobe construction and design for solar heat gain , is one of the few vital ideas in architecture today .
24 It is not known whether all the material will be permanently exhibited , because South Cambridgeshire District is one of the few local authorities in Britain not to have a local museum .
25 One of the few unexpected measures in the legislation is a clause removing the need for the Health Secretary to authorise private patient facilities in NHS hospitals .
26 In ten years ' time the Esquire piece will be required reading for any journalist or student researching one of the few creative talents in the cinema today .
27 It was one of the few bright moments in her hardworking life .
28 AMERICAN funds provide the few bright features in The Daily Telegraph/Micropal Personal Equity Plan Guide which otherwise shows continued underperformance by share-based investments this month .
29 Up to now I have heard only the few reluctant words in the lane .
30 The header is one of the few mandatory elements in a TEI document , reflecting the importance attached to this kind of information by the research community .
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