Example sentences of "[art] few [noun pl] [pers pn] had " in BNC.

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1 He said that the few holes they had dug and refilled would not affect his crop and , more importantly , they were the best ‘ scarecrows ’ he 'd ever known !
2 Ruth unpacked the few clothes she had brought with her and hung them up in the wardrobe in the dressing-room then she plugged in her hairdrier and blow-dried her hair in front of the dressing-table mirror .
3 I put away the few clothes I had brought , together with photos of Mother and Father , and another one — a head and shoulders portrait of Clare , looking happy and unconcerned about her legs .
4 One younger Welsh hill farmer used to go up ‘ to help his father in evenings with the few cattle they had ’ , but afterwards at supper the older man expected the grandchildren to keep silent , and if they spoke ‘ he 'd look at us fiercely . ’
5 He noticed that someone had moved the few horses they had managed to round up , and sent two men to find out where they had been taken .
6 In fact , it was one of the few times I had seen him act in a civil way towards his stepmother .
7 Erm asking for permission to put their names forward and from the , the few letters we had the , this was that we thought was the whitest knights in terms of Geography in terms of sex in terms of I would n't say intelligence , perhaps I should try to impress them !
8 The London County Council had found that it simply was not worth trying to recover the cost of milk from the 25% of London parents whose income was high enough to make them liable for the full billeting contribution , since ‘ the few pounds they had succeeded in recovering over a period of several months were far less than the cost of its collection ’ .
9 William Horsley , 83 , was punched and kicked by the thug who snatched the few pounds he had on him .
10 Detectives investigating the murder of Glasgow pensioner Agnes Law have revealed that she was killed for the few pounds she had in her house .
11 Daddy gone , Sambo gone , Mrs Dibdin gone — and the few relics we had left from the olden days all sold , and the house up for sale … ’
12 As she looked down at this small collection of his personal belongings , she realized that she had never thought of him as having any reality beyond the few hours they had spent together at the cottage .
13 Cramming her worn , out-moded bonnet on her head , she stuffed the few belongings she had unpacked back into the portmanteau .
14 It was n't that the Captain had anything specific to ask him , but on the few occasions they had worked together the Marshal had always had something helpful to offer .
15 As I understood , he was asleep for much of the time , and indeed , I found him so on the few occasions I had a spare moment to ascend to that little attic room .
16 Her lovely face came before his eyes and he thought how beautifully she had played on the few occasions she had come down here with him .
17 ( 24 ) He put a hand under her elbow and helped her stumble the few steps she had to take .
18 Business had been good in the few weeks she had been in charge , but she was astute enough to realise that many of the customers had been coming to the club simply to see her .
19 Over the few weeks he had been in Mandru 's house , Lucien had acknowledged Jeopardy 's beauty and talent , but had also despised him .
20 I turned it over , glanced at the Hungarian stamp , and read the few words I had scribbled to Stephanie , only three weeks earlier .
21 She had just begun to settle into her neat flat , and although it was n't furnished expensively the few pieces she had were chosen with loving care .
22 Beeney was well positioned for the few shots he had to take .
23 As he took it their fingers met , invoking so vivid a memory of the few seconds she had spent in his arms that she jerked away , spilling coffee into the saucer .
24 There were photographs of her in the few parts she had been able to play in the years following her marriage ; photographs of her in youth , when her father had begun to launch her on the career which would be interrupted by the coming of Paul .
25 In spite of being so fair , his skin had taken on quite a deep tan in the few days they had been there .
26 The few days she had spent in Thomas Sachs ' company had already begun to have an effect on her .
27 In a few moments she had finished it all while Tom All Alone watched her with obvious delight .
28 After a few moments she had relaxed fully , her apprehension shrivelled by the atmosphere of friendliness and laughter .
29 Within a few moments I had been directed to the Gasthof zur Alte Post and installed myself in a tiny room which was to cost about £12 for the night , including breakfast .
30 For a few moments I had let my mind plunge into darkness , into a world where the experience of all my life was disproved and ghosts existed .
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