Example sentences of "[art] few [noun pl] [pron] 'll " in BNC.

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1 In a few moments we 'll be joined by Dan Topolski , a man who did more for Oxford rowing than anyone else .
2 Sorry , this show came up so suddenly , there are a few dates we 'll have to work round . ’
3 Welcome back : In a few minutes we 'll be visiting the Victorian mansion that is n't finished yet , and has just been given a grant to ensure that it never will be .
4 Welcome back : In a few minutes we 'll be meeting the teenager who 's joined the elite in the world of magic .
5 Welcome back … in a few minutes we 'll be catching up with one of the fastest men on water …
6 Welcome back : In a few minutes we 'll be turning back the clock with the men who kept Britain 's coalmines working during the Second World War .
7 In a few minutes they 'll have a car rush , as 90 cars race through the streets .
8 Whatever mood you are in when you arrive at HCI 's Club Romantica … you can be sure that within a few minutes you 'll feel at home in this pretty village of chalet bungalows surrounded by trees and flowers .
9 You 'll soon get the hang of it — once you 've been caught a few times you 'll suss out the attack patterns — but until you do , frustration is high .
10 When you 've been through this a few times you 'll
11 I thought after a few times she 'll stop and she 'll accept it .
12 Never mind you can play the Bare Naked Lady thingummybobs and er then hopefully we go oh he 's in the shop he 's had a few customers we 'll get back to John a bit later .
13 It ended with a few paragraphs I 'll quote :
14 Well let's look at a few examples I 'll take the Korean war of nineteen fifty to fifty three , the Cuban missiles crisis which , although was not an actual war , very nearly threatened a nuclear war , of nineteen sixty two and the Vietnam war of nineteen sixty three to nineteen seventy two .
15 John Gorman says he 's fine and once they start getting a few points you 'll see all the smiling faces back again .
16 In a few days they 'll be back here begging us for food . ’
17 You 'll take him home with you to avoid gossip , and then in a few days he 'll be fit enough to leave the country . ’
18 ‘ In a few days I 'll have some plan .
19 ‘ In a few days I 'll be your father , and I 'll punish you just like that , as often as necessary ! ’
20 ‘ If Steve does n't come back for a few days I 'll probably have to go into Palma and see the airlines and the tourist board myself . ’
21 And now what they 're saying is , well we 'll buy out those appeals , if you had your appeal running for a few years we 'll give you five hundred pound ex gratia payment .
22 In a few years he 'll have developed a big enough ass to occupy my chair . ’
23 But once the technology becomes more refined , I definitely think that in a few years you 'll have a lot of people who do n't touch chemicals at all .
24 But once the technology becomes more refined , I definitely think that in a few years you 'll have a lot of people who do n't touch chemicals at all .
25 It will certainly not seem long if you work consistently toward daily targets , in a few weeks you 'll be doing things you have n't done for years , or never thought possible .
26 Basically when you see ‘ Capcom ’ appear on your screen at the start , press Down , R , Up , L , Y , B and after a few seconds you 'll both be able to choose the same character .
27 Why , in a few months it 'll all be finished , and then you 'll be left high and dry ! ’
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