Example sentences of "[art] few [noun pl] [prep] him " in BNC.

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1 She walked the few steps towards him , her legs shaking like a toddler 's , and stood in front of him , waiting .
2 There 's a bust of the author in Exeter college chapel ; one of the few reminders of him in Oxford .
3 And he did the same thing at Brackley Town , he guided them to success , their best ever season , he 's gone to Buckingham Town , took a few players with him , so Brackley Town , they 're not too pleased and they 're going to be out to beat Buckingham Town tonight , but I 'm going to sit on the fence and go for Buckingham 3 1 .
4 I did a few concerts with him , he was a very good performer .
5 He took a seat near the back of the short nave and was disappointed to see , a few pews before him , a knelt figure , praying intensely .
6 The Thing blinked a few lights at him .
7 It was an accident of course but old Colonel Saunchie got a few pellets in him .
8 ‘ I had discovered a few things about him that were very … hurtful .
9 I think you will see why after you learn a few things about him .
10 The male of the species is an unadulterated chauvinist who will not allow the females of his harem to move more than a few feet from him .
11 Martin stopped a few feet before him and stood with legs planted firmly apart , said loud enough to be heard above the music , ‘ What are you drinking ? ’
12 She could see his face quite clearly , as it was lit by the gas street lamp just a few feet behind him .
13 It took just a few instants for him to realise that the huddled figure was Mayli Koulo .
14 Going and having a few meals with him did n't seem evil or furtive in any way .
15 After exchanging a few words with him , she went in search of Lawler .
16 After exchanging a few words with him , she led him off into a corner .
17 She had a few words with him while I was speaking to Meryl Armitage — a delightful girl . ’
18 She smiled , and exchanged a few words with him ; then others came to say farewell .
19 A long line of reporters lined up dutifully to have a few words with him .
20 I never heard his wife or son exchange more than a few words with him .
21 I had a few words with him , then came back to the shop . ’
22 Theda had been unable to exchange more than a few words with him , for she had been — on Araminta 's orders — busily engaged in packing up all Lady Merchiston 's things into trunks to be stored in the attics , and cleaning out her bedchamber .
23 doctor says I 'll have a few words with him .
24 But I 've made a few enquiries about him , discreetly , of course , from Mr Tucker in Nassau .
25 It was n't until she got within a few yards of him that he realized it was Maisie .
26 By this time we were only a few yards from him and the car had almost stopped .
27 Those who have read Mr Clark 's prose with mounting impatience might like to point out a few lessons to him : 1 ) mention the book early on ; 2 ) avoid the clichés ; 3 ) forswear dodgy phrases , like ‘ pied-piper 's trail of opportunity discarded ’ , which really mean very little .
28 Our hero then has to cope not only with a lively two year old but also with his burgeoning infatuation for a woman quite a few rungs above him on the social ladder .
29 He captured the citadel but he only had a few troops with him and it was clear he could n't hold it for long , so he pushed on east past Excideuil into the Limousin , driving straight into the heartland of the rebel cause and devastating the country as he went .
30 And , of course , he 's so revered for this sleight-of-hand that he 's constructed a two and a half hour show to appeal mainly to his legions of cultish disciples who 've been waiting quite a few years for him to make sense again .
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