Example sentences of "[art] same [noun pl] of the " in BNC.

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1 The overall picture which has emerged from the analyses is of more or less consistent use of the same marble quarry for the same elements of the monument , but that a variety of marble types were selected for different purposes .
2 The vital principle does not accept such unchanged doses without resistance , that is , without other symptoms of the medicine to manifest themselves then those similar to the disease to be cured , because the former dose has already accomplished the expected change in the vital principle and a second dynamically wholly similar , unchanged dose of the same medicine no longer finds , therefore , the same conditions of the vital force .
3 Mothers of Welsh infants of similar age were then recruited from the same areas of the city ; they were thus living in similar accommodation and served by the same health professionals .
4 Correspondingly , when we quarrel with potential friends , we still recognize them as people like us " , both sides will conform to the same rules of the game .
5 For this purpose lenders should be considered to be part of the same group if they are parties to the same agreement or course of dealing , even if it is not always the same members of the group who participate in individual financings entered into under that agreement or course of dealing .
6 Business sales have also fallen more sharply than at the same stages of the 1973–75 and 1981–82 recessions .
7 Now Sir Peter chairs Midland Bank and the same managers of the Kuwait state investments are doing their utmost to dump Midland shares on to the market just as Hongkong & Shanghai makes its bid .
8 It is remarkable that these books are so contrasting , but seal with the same problems of the individual .
9 So we should ask the same questions of the conditional theory .
10 In an important way casual working demands the same disciplines of the worker as more traditional working .
11 But these are the same hazards of the actual styles explored , where experimental forms as well as stucco , scagliola and cast iron swiftly replaced more conventional perceptions and materials .
12 We now exhibit the same symptoms of the same disease , the loss of myth .
13 Just the same refuges of the elderly also appear in the Social Survey of Merseyside of 1934 , where they made up a third of the tenants of the largest multiple households .
14 Of course because there are no living trilobites we can not find direct confirmation of this hypothesis , but we can look for other arthropods that have the same modifications of the eyes , for example , in the present day oceans .
15 The same features of the mode of production also lead to the state intervening in the process of commodity exchange and social labour .
16 Even if we were to change the linear arrangement , the three words presented in association would serve to indicate the same process and the same roles of the participants :
17 This apoptosis is dependent on c-Myc expression ; its extent is proportional to the level of intracellular c-Myc protein , and it requires the same regions of the c-Myc protein as are required for co-transformation and autosuppression .
18 The original patterns have been reinforced by the subsequent arrival of relations and others from the same parts of the world , as well as by their high birth rate-the result of relatively high fertility and young average age .
19 Would he care to address the fact that because these orders are being taken separately for Wales and England it is not possible to make the quota applicable in the same way in the same parts of the United Kingdom .
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