Example sentences of "[art] more [pers pn] [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Er in the morning he would be in before any of them , sort of thing , getting a fire lit getting the rivets heat up before they come on the job and ah the the quicker he could the the rivets heat up and passed on to the the squad , then okay the more they could put in so , if he were a good rivet boy you could maybe get a good wage , but again that was up to the squad up to the riveter .
2 The more I can do it , the be the more I we the ha ha ha ha the happier I 'll be .
3 But what I 'm saying is the more you do of first ones the more you 'll do a second ones .
4 Right so the more you can spot the tie up and say well this is n't something I 'm going to take this off .
5 Well she said it 's up to you how you go on really , you know the more , the more you can do the better or less , see how it works out , cos you do n't really know do ya ?
6 Yes , the more you can do , the better it gets .
7 So th , the , this , you know , this main thing of really , a picture 's worth a thousand words , and the more you can block out time in this way , and protect yourself , er , the better your overall time management will be .
8 That the more you can break stuff down into achievable daily goals the better off you are .
9 In all these matters the more you know about the media and the more you know about what they 're looking for and the more you know about techniques and the more you can develop things , the greater the possibilities are and the greater the opportunities .
10 You do n't go through the access menu , an eight K conventional memory means could put more into expanded memory more conventional memory you 've got , the more you can put into expanded memory .
11 Well I should take an extra one the more you can get the better that 's what it 's all about is n't it ?
12 the more you can take them to where you want them , do you understand what I 'm saying to you ?
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