Example sentences of "[art] way [to-vb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Adopting this pragmatic approach , I have thus sought to justify the main general conclusion to which my whole argument has been directed : that the way to heal the rift between holism and individualism is to recognise that concessive holism offers a superior approach to the business of social explanation .
2 It 's the way to breach the drift defence — change direction or swamp them by numbers .
3 The right hon. Gentleman said that a reduction in the prison population was the way to improve the position in prisons .
4 ‘ Ah , Schatzie , now that is not the way to treat a penis , a beautiful one .
5 The way to bend the pipe is to pull it across your knee , taking care not to ‘ crinkle ’ its inner surface as this will trap the spring ; protect your knee with some cloth wrapped around the pipe .
6 It was necessary for Ockleton to push an armchair out of the way to reach the cupboard he sought , set low in a corner wall .
7 The choice of food and the way to spend the waking hours are entirely at the discretion of the volunteer .
8 Similarly , our analysis of how time was used across the curriculum provoked further challenges to conventional assumptions : that the way to do a subject justice is to give it more time ; and that ‘ balance ’ is about the proportions of time given to the various subjects .
9 He once pulled a switchblade on his director because they could n't agree on the way to do a scene .
10 The fact that activities can be shifted from the public to the private sector ( and vice-versa ) suggests that the classification of functions or institutions as public or private according to their intrinsic nature is not the way to decide the scope of public law .
11 That seemed logical , but now he thought about it he was n't sure that that was n't the way to remember the way it was n't , not the way it was .
12 Rape may have been the way to save a marriage in 1924 .
13 And then racing back to Huntingdon to plot a few more charts , sometimes hitch-hiking all the way to save the fare money .
14 But that we become committed to it as the way to save the country and the peace appears to me full of dangers . ’
15 er how the candidates feel really about environmental issues , there 's a lot of lip service paid to environmentalism er popping green petrol in your car is not the way to save the planet , it helps but it 's not the only answer .
16 The way to earn a bonus is to reduce price .
17 It means , literally , ‘ the way to stop the spear ’ .
18 The way to stop the fur trade is to alienate the customer .
19 Their under-officers fell out one by one and took station along the way to preserve the channel they had opened .
20 The-CAB door may have been officially ‘ open ’ but minorities were not accepting the invitation , It was felt that the way to remedy the situation was by recruiting more black advice workers so that black clients would feel more comfortable and so that black workers could help white workers to better understand black clients .
21 Even more haunting was the trusting innocence of the Albanian director-general , who thought that the way to create a climate of real political debate was to have more television coverage .
22 Whether or not this date gets changed , the way to control the Europe-machine is to make sure that national parliaments and peoples thoroughly discuss Europe 's next constitution before they send their ministers to negotiate it .
23 Yeah , okay , I 've just been to Asda so kids are on the way to put the bits of shopping in the van , alright , cos I got 'em some cereal and some bread and I 'll bring up the toaster , they can take the toaster with 'em for a while and oh there is , is there ?
24 ‘ Landing face down in the bottom of a boat would hardly be the way to win the heart of the woman you love .
25 THE RAIL unions are calling a one-day strike , which they seem to think is the way to win the support of their passengers .
26 What has amazed me and the friends I 've press-ganged into watching the process is the speed with which the ‘ genetic algorithm ’ sniffs out the way to decode the message .
27 He drove towards Frankfurt , stopping on the way to make a call from a public booth .
28 ‘ Do n't ask me ; you 're talking to somebody who thought the way to make the world a better place was to become a journalist .
29 With Johnsonian vigour , Eliot discussed the way to run a society ; he surveyed with distanced irony ‘ The Literature of Fascism ’ , also printing MacDiarmid 's ‘ Second Hymn to Lenin' .
30 That is not the way to run a police force , and that is why police morale is low .
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