Example sentences of "[art] next few [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This is a common reaction to the effect of the remedy and you should wait and expect to see an improvement over the next few minutes or an hour or so depending on how severe the illness is .
2 Doctors were expected to decide in the next few hours whether Nicola would be allowed home today .
3 Like the disappearance of Mallory and Irvine over 50 years before , what happened in the next few hours or days has remained one of the mountain 's unfathomable secrets .
4 She sat demurely on the edge of one of the room 's more nondescript-looking chairs , knowing that this Josie , whoever she might be , would be her key to success or failure over the next few hours and maybe even the coming days .
5 ‘ I suggest that we try to put our differences aside for the next few hours and get on with the business at hand . ’
6 ASK ANY thoughtful person for a list of the problems likely to confront Britain in the next few decades and he or she will have no trouble answering .
7 Glance at the sentences and memorize the next few phrases and look at the audience while you are speaking .
8 I suppose a lot depends on the next few games though
9 knit the next few rows as usual , then cross the cable the opposite way ( in the same channel ) you are producing what is sometimes called a snake cable , since that is what it looks like .
10 Catherine behaved so sweetly to her husband in the next few days that Thrushcross Grange seemed full of sunshine , and in spite of his doubts , Mr Edgar allowed Heathcliff to visit her regularly .
11 LLANDUDNO General Hospital will be virtually closed down for the next few days while the scale of the damage is assessed .
12 In a terse statement the board of directors said it had ‘ considered the Great Britain management set-up and individual talks will take place over the next few days before a formal announcement is made ’ .
13 In a terse statement the board of directors said it had ‘ considered the Great Britain management set-up and individual talks will take place over the next few days before a formal announcement is made ’ .
14 The policy was cleared over the next few days and on 19 March I told the House of Commons that
15 Just how petty , greedy and self-interested others really are will be made perfectly clear to you during the next few days and your reaction to them may well be to decide to turn off the charm and the money supply forthwith .
16 Ministers are expected to take up the fight in the next few days and urge the banks that , at a time of national economic crisis , they must do their bit .
17 He spawned with two females in the next few days and they produced 82 and 64 fry .
18 The stoma care nurse and ward nurses were able to answer his questions over the next few days and also showed Mr Reynolds some of the bags which can be worn over a stoma and let him practise handling these .
19 A temporary demarcation line between British and Soviet forces was agreed , subject to further detailed arrangements over the next few days and later political discussions on a more permanent boundary line between the British and Soviet Zones .
20 We had quite a few visitors over the next few days and Amin , particularly , was very encouraging .
21 Julia tried to obey , as she tried to do everything he demanded of her over the next few days and as she tried to keep her misery and pain and fear from all of them .
22 She 'll be busy with photographers and fittings for the next few days and I 'll join her after the show . ’
23 I kept my eyes open over the next few days and although I saw her sitting in the window she never appeared outside .
24 The unrest continued over the next few days and by May 22 the number of Palestinians killed by the IDF had risen to 21 .
25 The drugs seized will be analysed over the next few days and more arrests are expected to follow .
26 Against that , Labour in the person of Harold Wilson had a more widely respected leader then it has now , and many experienced Tory canvassers are convinced that thousands of former Tory voters who are now thinking of defecting will gloomily return to the Tory fold within the next few days as they come face to face with the possible reality of a Kinnock government .
27 Still , in the next few days as the news began to filter in from Niki 's hospital that Niki had been given the last rites , that he had inhaled burning fuel and damaged his lungs , that his face had been appallingly burned , the facts did begin to sink in .
28 Those people whose names you 've just , you 've given me their details from , could I ask you er if the next time you see them if it 's within the next few days or certainly erm if , if you could over the next day or two give them a ring just to let them know that I do intend to contact them , I 'll probably contact them within the next week or so .
29 The 348 to 123 vote , a majority of 225 , is likely to provide irresistible pressure on the Cabinet when it decides within the next few weeks whether to press ahead with the necessary legislative changes .
30 It ought to be possible to tell within the next few weeks whether the measures the government has introduced over the past year are delivering the hoped-for results .
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