Example sentences of "[art] way of [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 We can now examine some of the ways of calculating the polymer dimensions from experimental data .
2 Have local managers given consideration to the ways of minimising the effects of unexpected absence among staff ?
3 At this time , one of the ways of learning the skills of a medical practitioner was to be apprenticed to a physician or surgeon .
4 Each of the ways of expressing the no-arbitrage condition considered in Chapter 4 allows for compound growth , but not for continuous compounding .
5 The purpose of this chapter is to describe some of the available techniques and the ways of utilizing the preparations obtained by them in a variety of applications which range from the simple determination of chromosome counts to the in situ hybridization of gene probes to banded chromosomes .
6 As Cowley walked towards the slightly hunched figure of Bodie , he was able to see Doyle 's peaceful face , eyes closed , white as a sheet ; a moment later the trolley was behind the closing doors of the lift , and Doyle 's life was now in the hands of others , men skilled in surgery , and in the ways of keeping the tenuous thread of life attached to a dying body .
7 In this chapter , we shall explore some of the ways of analysing the undergraduate curriculum in terms of ‘ culture ’ .
8 As Laurence Martin has said : ‘ It is impossible to refute entirely the criticism that the various strategies of limitation may appear to make the world safe for nuclear warfare and thereby hasten its onset ’ ; but he concluded : ‘ The proper question may therefore be not , should we contemplate limited nuclear war , but , should we consider the ways of limiting the nuclear war which is henceforth always a possibility ’ ( Howard , 1979 , pp. 119 and 120 ) .
9 The main objective in changing the standard is to increase the effectiveness of audit reporting , which is one of the ways of closing the expectations gap between the auditors and users of financial statements .
10 A more fundamental difficulty in the way of accepting the conspiracy , whether as cause or effect , is the complete lack of contemporary evidence .
11 A more fundamental difficulty in the way of accepting the conspiracy , whether as cause or effect , is the complete lack of contemporary evidence .
12 She is n't curio I mean yo er erm , I can see if you it could get in the way of accepting the story .
13 As a result , the panel actually gets in the way of discovering the very information it is there to find out .
14 In one party valuations , the valuer is often advising his client ( ie one party to the transaction ) on the way of obtaining the most favourable price which can be established within sensible limits .
15 But none of this is the essence of Mrs Thatcher 's problem which is rather that , on the essential questions of economic management , the government gives the impression either of having lost its momentum or of having decided that it must settle for something well short of what Mrs Thatcher seemed to promise in the way of reducing the size of the public sector and also the burden of taxation .
16 It is a marriage of convenience between workers in many fields — archaeologists , geographers , geologists , botanists and zoologists — who do not want the barriers of 19th century subject divisions to stand in the way of understanding the way in which the human environment has evolved , the human role in shaping that environment and the ways in which humans gained a living from it .
17 For now , the point I wish to make is that in regard to the notional/functional syllabus , although there is a change in the way of describing the content units for language teaching , this change tends to be assimilated into traditional and well-established ways of thinking about the syllabus as a pedagogic construct .
18 Very little is available in the way of describing the types of texts available in , say , Chinese or Spanish , or of how such texts are organized .
19 Hammering a metal to harden it is not uncommon : this was the way of hardening the edges of copper and bronze weapons and the old clockmakers always hammered their brass gear-wheels .
20 The panel could support such a project contrary to the county structure plan and the south Buckinghamshire local plan only if satisfied on three counts : first , that the need is abundantly clear ; secondly , that the way of tackling the flooding problem as set out in the application is undoubtedly the best of all possible alternatives ; and thirdly , that a wide variety of outstanding issues are each resolved in the best possible way .
21 Southall , delighted with the look made famous by the great Russian goalkeeper Lev Yashin , has even added to the macho image by pulling out all the padding which comes with today 's goalkeepers ' shirts because he thinks it gets in the way of doing the job properly .
22 They can also educate in the way they handle reference requests ( whether they supply the answer , for instance , or the way of finding the answer ) ; and they can be valuable stimulators of book use and enquiry by giving readings , quality advisory services and reading lists , and knowledgeable enthusiasm .
23 Of course one wants to avoid situations where the conflict reaches excessive levels and actually gets in the way of running the business , but if the right decisions are to be taken it is essential that conflicting views are heard and thrashed out .
24 A long drawn-out sound would still be going on when the echo returned , and , even if partially muffled by send/receive muscles , would get in the way of detecting the echo .
25 We now prove generally Theorem 2.7.7 ( The Generalised Associative Law ) If ρ is an associative binary operation on the set A then every way of evaluating the product of the ordered n-tuple of elements unc of A taken in that order leads to the same result .
26 Personally I thought the fears overdone , but nevertheless I sought to find a way of transferring the operation to the private sector which would minimize the risk of industrial action .
27 The equivalence principle indicates a way of transferring the definition of a geodesic to curved space–time .
28 It is a way of experiencing the facts " .
29 Thus it came about that Tanberg anticipated the second ingredient in the Fleischmann and Pons story : he introduced ‘ electrolysis ’ as a way of encouraging the hydrogen to come together .
30 This was a way of defining the parish boundary , and every half mile or so gospels would be read and a cross erected .
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