Example sentences of "[art] [det] time there [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 The more time they took , the more time there was for a crowd to gather .
2 At the same time there were bursts of rapid eye-movements and muscular twitches in other parts of the body .
3 At the same time there were rumbles of revolution at Porsche .
4 At the same time there were large numbers of losers within the poorest groups .
5 At the same time there were others who were resolutely opposed to the APU and its philosophy .
6 At the same time there were ‘ omissions and difficulties ’ and ‘ occasional failures to reconcile the interests of individual nations with those of the USSR as a whole ’ .
7 At the same time there were anxieties about such matters as uniformity of standards and transferability between institutions .
8 A return seemed unlikely , but at the same time there was this intriguing question : just what would it be like to be up there , 20 pitches out , on a wall as hard as many a belted route , but with no bolts ?
9 At the same time there was some evidence that those who had a more general interest in politics , as distinct from those who found the campaign interesting ( a distinction we have already found significant in other contexts ) , were likely to record lower levels of total approval .
10 There was something wrong with the ballcock , and if both taps were turned on to capacity at the same time there was an overflow outside .
11 At the same time there was that great act of faith , the blazer .
12 Yet at the same time there was discontinuity , for Jesus taught ‘ not as the scribes ’ , for unlike them his message was self-authenticating .
13 Tiger Watson was wounded ; Donald Roy killing his friend 's attacker , for this was a personal battle of man against man in the shadows , even though at the same time there was the impersonal hammer from machine-guns and 20mm cannons firing from beyond the basin and its locks .
14 At the same time there was no organised capital market and so interest rates might be high .
15 At the same time there was a steady stream of All Black or representative players trekking to and from Italy and France .
16 At the same time there was a good deal of variation in the ways in which the Bible was understood and interpreted by different groups of reformers , and this led to a further fragmentation of the previously unified world of Christendom .
17 At the same time there was an emphasis upon paternalism to enhance workers ' motivation and promote effective work performance which might otherwise have been impaired by this control strategy .
18 At the same time there was a ‘ well-established tradition to use temporary labour ’ .
19 At the same time there was no particular reason why rates in these two West Midland counties should have been materially lower than in the adjoining shires of Warwick and Worcester where wage assessments were not uncommon , while in Devon , which is actually farther from London than Staffordshire , they amounted to 36 per cent of the whole .
20 At the same time there was a rapid growth in the provision of social services .
21 At the same time there was a recognition that despite the horrors of mothers-in-law and squalling children the family was an essential bulwark for survival , against the vagaries of the economy and the all too likely threat of the ( sexually segregated ) workhouse in poverty or old age .
22 At the same time there was the dread news that a Simpson divorce case had been set down for hearing at Ipswich , chosen because it could there be more easily hurried on , for 27 October .
23 At the same time there was an increase of 15% in the complexity of referrals .
24 At the same time there was an increase in the proportion of the populations of most union republics that was accounted for by the titular nationality , an increase that was again most marked in Central Asia with its higher birthrates .
25 at the same time there was a realisation that economic benefits could be had by replacing the old common-land system of peasant agricultural production with a system of enclosed lands .
26 Almost at the same time there was an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the sale of Rover to British Aerospace .
27 At the same time there was a look of sickness and horror about him , and his face was a mask of pain , violence and hate .
28 Riven felt incredibly mortal , but at the same time there was a rising restlessness in him .
29 Whatever was affecting the rate time passed at seemed to obey the inverse square law , the phenomenon apparently radiating from each clock face , while at the same time there was a more generalised sort of effect emanating from the huge central mechanism buried somewhere in the castle 's many lower levels , making everything down there happen more quickly .
30 And erm at the same time there was an old mill there as well , with an old er engine room .
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