Example sentences of "[art] [det] time as his " in BNC.

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1 The young man who has been married at the same time as his peers does not share his wife with them nor do the wives share their husbands .
2 It was Richard Bulwer who built the present Wood Dalling Hall in 1582 , at about the same time as his neighbour Henry Dynne was building the much larger Heydon Hall .
3 Kretschmer 's end had come in the spring of 1941 at almost the same time as his great rivals Schepke and Prien , when his U.99 was sunk by a destroyer commanded by Captain Donald Macintyre , and he had spent the rest of the war as a prisoner .
4 He had hoped that the pope himself would have excommunicated Henry at the same time as his chief accomplice ; but since this was not to be , Anselm consulted Archbishop Hugh and decided to go ahead with his own excommunication .
5 No doubt when Harley 's golden streak with his putter came to an end , as end it must , his theory would be consigned to the dustbin — at the same time as his current putter was hurled into a dusty corner of the attic .
6 He needed no reminder that it was his own union which had prospered in many British ports while Tillett 's Tea Operatives ' Union established in July 1887 at about the same time as his own had failed even to develop any wider organization in the Port of London itself .
7 Whereupon , the 29 year-old Mrs. Gerring launched into her theory that he had his club open at the address at the same time as his body was facing well left of the target .
8 At the same time as his hon. Friend the Member for Monklands , West ( Mr. Clarke ) is saying that pay beds are to be driven from the health service and given to private companies , Lord Ennals has taken a leading position as a director of a private healthcare company — while remaining a Front-Bench spokesman on health for the Labour party .
9 It 'll now run at the same time as his main sentence and means he 'll spend less time in jail .
10 Did you see that one advertising triple glazing at the same time as his double would you believe ?
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