Example sentences of "[art] [det] time i be " in BNC.

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1 Darling , I am sorry for you , but at the same time I am sure that one day you will be very glad things have turned out the way they have .
2 But somehow at the same time I am washing myself — I 'm trying to get the filth off myself .
3 Even though I can see both applications on the screen at the same time I am having problems copy typing the formulas .
4 I eat carefully , my heartbeat quickens nervously when the portions offered are too big , and at the same time I 'm trying not to draw attention to my small plateful .
5 But at the same time I 'm proud to say that I 'm a member of the T an er of the G M B
6 Er at the same time I 'm looking for the chemistry er the feel for those people , er the quality of those people and whether I could work with them and whether they could work with me .
7 Possibly we 're looking to reduce home help hours , but this is at a time when , at the same time I 'm saying to you , we 're having problems with our S T G , our special grant for care in the community .
8 The only thing I could do I mean at the same time I 'm saying O K I 'll go in to do it this way , would be to actually say , sod this for a lark , instead of doing erm totally private thing , gon na set up a private limited company to issue cheques .
9 Yeah at the same time I 'm aware of the fact
10 Because I could n't countenance how you could stay under water without being asphyxiated , and yet at the same time I was incapable of comprehending the trick .
11 ‘ I knew I had n't done anything to Joanna and at the same time I was totally confused as to how it could have happened . ’
12 She was a very nice girl named Eugena , I think , and there were guards at the end of the hotel corridors , I remember giving them the slip and wandering around Khabarovsk on my own in a snowstorm , only to be told the next day that there was quite a bit of excitement in the city during the night because a Siberian tiger had come into the city and was wandering the streets at the same time I was !
13 At the same time I was dazzled by the breech of a 75-millimetre gun which was standing uncovered in the sunlight : the magic of light on white metal .
14 Something inside me stretched as I walked so that at the same time I was walking on the top of those hills .
15 The irresponsibility of this helped me to escape the force of the problems , but at the same time I was constantly troubled by suspicion .
16 ‘ Around the same time I was lucky enough to catch BB King playing in this tiny bar , a little juke-joint .
17 ‘ It was great for doing Wes Montgomery , but at the same time I was playing Hendrix and Bloomfield and all kinds of stuff on this poor old hollowbody — and I was using Marshalls as well !
18 So I was probably enjoying British progressive rock at the same time I was listening to American jazz . ’
19 At the same time I was working on a small English-Burmese dictionary with about 3,500 of the most common words likely to be needed by government workers going back into Burma when liberation should come .
20 For at about the same time I was approached by the secretary of Edinburgh 's New Club which as a member of Brooks 's Club in London I was entitled to use on a reciprocal basis , and which I did use for lunch perhaps a dozen times a year .
21 But at the same time I was learning the lesson that such behaviour is not acceptable to adults , to whom I presented a different personality .
22 Here is another of the paradoxes of anorexia nervosa : I must , in my unconscious , have wanted to grow up , but at the same time I was determined not to , because the models of potential adulthood with which I was presented were either repugnant or impossible to attain .
23 So I mean again I realized I had dug a hole for myself with the compressed funding but at the same time I was saying to myself oh yeah there is carry forward here er
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