Example sentences of "[art] [det] time [v-ing] it " in BNC.

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1 Keep your foot flexed and start slowly circling your right leg , at the same time bringing it up in the air .
2 The reason behind this two-stage approach is that it is often very difficult for the viewers of the demonstration to understand the principles of how a product works while at the same time watching it work .
3 Other examples in the Renaissance include the malcontent who haunts the very power structure which has alienated him , seeking reinscription within it but at the same time demystifying it , operating within and subverting it at the same time ; the revengers whose actions constitute an even more violent bid for reinscription within the very society which has alienated and dispossessed them ; the assertive women , the ‘ women on top ’ described by Natalie Zemon Davis who simultaneously appropriate , exploit , and undermine masculine discourse .
4 After leaving school he had been unable to settle , had wandered from place to place and had eventually landed up in Borstal , where his crimes had given him a reputation for toughness and ruthlessness which he had felt compelled to live up to ( although at the same time hating it and himself ) .
5 On some days Marcus said nothing to him at all , while at the same time making it , without word or gesture , clear that his presence was helpful .
6 The death of Gay News provoked a considerable growth in out-of-London calls for information no longer available in that magazine 's supplement , while at the same time making it far more difficult for us to obtain the information the callers needed and throwing an internal emphasis on that side of our work .
7 But the aim now is not necessarily to liberate sexuality ( the sexual drive ) , but to eroticize the social while at the same time releasing it from the grip of sexuality especially as manifested in the ideology of sexual difference .
8 If emptiness , like passivity , is seen as an identifying characteristic of womanhood , we can see that the anorexic recognises and even values her own ( potential ) womanhood , while at the same time denying it .
9 Ownership of this asset accordingly conferred unchallengeable power and influence on a comparative minority , while at the same time working it gave the overwhelming majority of the population their livelihood .
10 They found themselves becoming increasingly dependent on their dealer 's advice , at the same time sensing it might be fatal .
11 The task for the journalist and broadcaster is to recognise and conform to the valuable discipline of the law , while at the same time understanding it sufficiently to be able to call the bluff of those who seek to exploit it to suppress important truths .
12 Any explanation requires description , and it is difficult , or perhaps impossible , to describe something without at the same time explaining it .
13 This is a splendidly versatile way of patterning so spend a little time trying it out before you start on ‘ moon craters ’ .
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