Example sentences of "[art] [det] time [v-ing] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 In this chapter I have once more attempted to describe the work of two pioneers , while at the same time using their work as a platform for discussion of issues which are crucial to my own philosophy .
2 They would spend the day in the classroom with the class teacher , observing and assisting , and gradually learning to take over some of the lessons ; at the same time pursuing their own studies .
3 Such was his disillusionment that he gave up the practice of medicine for a while and supported himself and his growing family by undertaking translation work , at the same time pursuing his chemical and botanical studies .
4 To Henry it may well have seemed a sensible way of killing two birds with one stone — chastising rebels and at the same time providing his warlike second son with useful experience .
5 Guido smiled suddenly , once more taking Ronni by surprise — and at the same time displaying his perfect white teeth .
6 Free newspaper groups in particular welcomed the opportunity to provide their readers with interesting features about both the Battle of Britain and the work of the Association , whilst at the same time encouraging their regular advertisers to support the Appeal by purchasing space on the feature .
7 This insulting behaviour had the desired effect in that it raised tempers in Paris , where all political groups , together with virtually the entire press , broke out in a clamour of hostility to Prussia , at the same time castigating their own government for refusing to take a strong line .
8 Its main claim to fame is its elongated ribs with which the lizard can extend a short fringe of skin along either side of its body , at the same time flattening its body .
9 In a campaign characterized by televised smears and counter-smears but which appeared not to excite the expected level of public interest , Labour managers stressed the readiness of party leader Itzhak Rabin to move ahead decisively with the Middle East peace process , while at the same time emphasising his hardline credentials .
10 the economic problem of how to finance and defend services while at the same time transforming their character in a socialist direction ;
11 ‘ Yeah , ’ agreed Mrs Stych , at the same time disinterring her high heels .
12 The Commander did not cease to deny the accusations of Timothy Gedge , while at the same time seeking his wife 's forgiveness in a general way .
13 Embarrassed to some extent by their traditional association with the Soviet Union , but at the same time drawing their identity from it , the communist parties of Western Europe have been passing through a period of internal crisis and conflict .
14 More recently , northern folk have seized a greater share in responsibility for their own affairs ; they seek to take advantage of southern benefits , while at the same time maintaining their northern identity .
15 Barman Mike Wheeler slipped whilst attempting to catch the picture , badly slashing his wrist on the broken glass and at the same time dropping his lighted cigarette into a box of Buxtons Tripe and Strawberry Flavoured Crisps .
16 He laid emphasis on the ‘ Mrs ’ , at the same time bowing his head in a servile manner .
17 To my knowledge , no class can hold State power over a long period without at the same time exercising its hegemony over and in the State Ideological Apparatuses .
18 In order to counter the effects of this drop in trade and profitability , and at the same time ensure a successful and profitable year in 1992 , companies within the hotel and catering industry should now be looking at making savings in time and money , while at the same time improving their service to the customer .
19 This exploration of methods aimed at reducing expenditure , while at the same time improving our service , must be continued .
20 Whilst at the same time improving our public image and increasing our awareness .
21 Adhering to the traditional view whilst at the same time acknowledging its limitations , Lord Sankey LC said , in British Coal Corporation v The King [ 1935 ] AC 500 :
22 Greater Manchester , unable to finance its own units , was content to take up twelve redundant ex-Scottish Class 303s , at the same time reducing its fleet of equally geriatric slam-door Class 304s from four to three cars .
23 The revised Investment Business Regulations may reduce the unnecessary administrative burden created by the original regulations , and relaxing the statutory audit requirement for small companies may provide firms with an opportunity to provide their clients with more valuable services , while at the same time reducing their professional risk .
24 While JCI diversified its interests in South Africa , it was at the same time increasing its shareholding in Johnson Matthey in the UK .
25 You ca n't let him act like that ! ’ continued the other woman , and Agnes noticed that as she spoke she kept rapidly shaking her head from left to right and right to left , at the same time lifting her shoulders and eyebrows expressing indignant astonishment that someone had refused to respect her friend 's human rights .
26 He raised enquiring eyebrows at her , and she mouthed , ‘ Trouble ! ’ at the same time jerking her thumb over her shoulder at the reception area .
27 Reacting instantly , Curtis jerked the wheel hard over and sideswiped the other car , at the same time jerking his foot from the gas pedal .
28 Denis Thatcher , who was knocking golf balls into cups , was at the same time rehearsing his speech , to be delivered at lunch that Thursday to the Hove Rotary Club .
29 At such times the special needs teacher will be mediating the tasks , helping the pupils to benefit from the experience and at the same time observing their performance .
30 He 'd pulled out a handful of coins , at the same time grabbing her shoulder , but Midnight had moved aside pulling Jess with him , and the other two men had hung on to the furious Paddy .
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