Example sentences of "[art] [det] time [pron] can " in BNC.

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1 The more unnecessary journeys you can cut out , the more time you can save .
2 But at the same time one can not help feeling that Proofs is the kind of story that would have been better off as a three-page essay in Granta .
3 At the same time one can have sympathy with those who devised the term because it is the tangential force per unit charge integrated over a closed path .
4 At the same time they can interfere with the replication of normal viruses in the cell by using up raw materials .
5 We 'd like them to come along and see the horses working in the traditional way at the same time they can look at the Autumn colours .
6 At the same time we can expect people 's interest in green issues and concern for their local environment to grow . ’
7 At the same time we can relish the days more and more , and search in their interstices for the hidden treasures and thus our lives may become the supreme adventure and treasure hunt of the transcendent .
8 We can not but be overwhelmingly impressed by what the Chinese have achieved in the country and elsewhere , but at the same time we can not help seeing the comic side of the rituals in which we find ourselves participating .
9 At the same time everyone can tuck into dried fruit and nuts , torrone [ a type of chocolate or vanilla sweet with nuts ] , panettone [ a type of cake with raisins ] , or pandoro , which is softer than panettone and does not contain raisins .
10 At the same time it can exploit the low thermal conductivity of the air ; i.e. the way the temperature of the air itself is neither as hot nor as cool as the land surface .
11 At the same time it can reverse completely the power/information balance that can often be a problem in counselling .
12 At the same time it can be used to explain why in the absence of such effective restraints most governments have experienced positive inflation in the past 40 years .
13 Does not my hon. Friend find it outrageous that Labour-controlled Northumberland county council has refused to accept economies of nearly £1.5 million , as identified by the Conservative and Liberal groups , and has refused to take enough money out of balances to avoid any education cuts , but at the same time it can find thousands of pounds to issue supplements in the Hexham Courant for party political propaganda to promote the leader of the county council , who happens to be a prospective Labour party candidate ?
14 At the same time you can plan your grazing and crops to meet the needs of the livestock .
15 So when your neighbour can only manage to bake 32 fairy cakes at the same time you can serve up 50 , and it will gobble up a 31lb turkey with ease .
16 You know you can hear everyone talking at the same it 's recording at the same time you can hear everyone talking like sort of really clearly .
17 At the same time I can remember going along to clubs , like the Vortex , and being slightly hassled because I was kissing my boyfriend .
18 At the same time I can not help feeling that the defence is one which ought to be used with great discretion , and that for two reasons .
19 caught on one and I want to ring out in the other at the same time I can use it .
20 If at the same time he can affiliate his mid-field to the aspirations of his grass-root defenders , then Falkirk can indeed become a powerful team .
21 At the same time she can take the opportunity to try to build the esteem of those class members who lack confidence and are finding the work slightly embarrassing .
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