Example sentences of "[art] [det] time [pron] [am/are] " in BNC.

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1 Here they grow tomatoes and lettuce to provide valuable nutrients and at the same time they 're learning to grow vegetables in a way their parents did n't know how .
2 At the same time they 're faced with that particular problem repeatedly .
3 For example , it can be argued the expansion into amalgamated police units has enlarged the organization to a point where it is no longer accessible to the man in the street ; alternatively , it may be that the use of a centralized computer and complex technical aids has alienated the public even at the same time they are increasingly fed a diet of violent news snippets which reinforce a fear of crime and generate another ‘ folk devil ’ of criminal menace , which demands the impossible : a policeman on every corner .
4 At the same time they are told they must shoulder bigger world responsibilities .
5 ‘ They change , manipulate and subvert ready-made products , but at the same time they are the apothesis of consumerism and an ideal workforce for contemporary capitalism .
6 The shapes of birds themselves can be fairly simple ; but at the same time they are subtle .
7 But there is no reason why community services should n't be more expensive than hospitals if at the same time they are enhancing the quality of people 's lives .
8 Does he agree that the collections are vast and have often been assembled at very little cost , but at the same time they are the treasures of the night watchmen ?
9 We 're still limited by sexism , but at the same time we 're bombarded with images telling us that we have to achieve a lot .
10 At the same time we are faced with the dilemma that these theories appear to be mutually exclusive : does this mean that the peace movement should take a cynical ‘ supermarket ’ attitude to attempts to theorise law and take from the shelves whatever theoretical package is best suited to the purpose ?
11 At the same time we are exploring the possibility of establishing an Aby Warburg Chair , to be held by people in any of the subjects which play a role in that scholarly tradition .
12 At the same time we are worried about the mounting costs of the social services intended to meet the needs of the aged There are several reasons why the problem appears to be particularly acute at the moment and some of the more important ones need stating .
13 Pedro Campos , project manager said , ‘ We are aware that a country going into the America 's Cup for the first time has never done well , but at the same time we are going there to win ; no-one knows about the class . ’
14 We must rely , as heretofore , upon the social acumen of the judges ; but at the same time we are entitled perhaps to ask for a little more boldness in the formulation of principles .
15 ‘ At the same time we are addressing the fundamentals of our business ; how to find oil and gas reserves at lower cost and how to develop them more profitably ’ .
16 I would like to say that , that the level of violence has been fairly static , but at the same time we are able to tolerate certain levels of violence .
17 We 've launched an appeal , at the same time we are sending out large stocks of water supply and water storage equipment , shelters and blankets .
18 You need to have that and it is no bad thing provided , of course , that at the same time you are prepared to listen and benefit from good advice .
19 that at the same time you 're actually trying to assume a policy of equality ?
20 Darling , I am sorry for you , but at the same time I am sure that one day you will be very glad things have turned out the way they have .
21 But somehow at the same time I am washing myself — I 'm trying to get the filth off myself .
22 Even though I can see both applications on the screen at the same time I am having problems copy typing the formulas .
23 I eat carefully , my heartbeat quickens nervously when the portions offered are too big , and at the same time I 'm trying not to draw attention to my small plateful .
24 But at the same time I 'm proud to say that I 'm a member of the T an er of the G M B
25 Er at the same time I 'm looking for the chemistry er the feel for those people , er the quality of those people and whether I could work with them and whether they could work with me .
26 Possibly we 're looking to reduce home help hours , but this is at a time when , at the same time I 'm saying to you , we 're having problems with our S T G , our special grant for care in the community .
27 The only thing I could do I mean at the same time I 'm saying O K I 'll go in to do it this way , would be to actually say , sod this for a lark , instead of doing erm totally private thing , gon na set up a private limited company to issue cheques .
28 Yeah at the same time I 'm aware of the fact
29 At the same time there are administrative distortions , such as poor distribution of teaching staff .
30 At the same time there are also the refugees who have escaped from China , East Germany , North Korea , North Vietnam and Angola .
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