Example sentences of "[art] [noun prp] can [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly the importance of the TPC can not be overemphasised as , with more and more candidates entering the profession with little or no previous work experience , and all professions coming under more frequent pressure from a litigation-conscious public , the need for proven professionalism is greater than ever .
2 There is no statutory definition of ‘ unsuitability on environmental grounds ’ , and the kind of considerations taken into account by the LA can best be judged by studying actual cases , such as those outlined in the casenotes at the end of this chapter .
3 Apart from its direct interpretation , the TSP can also be applied to problems that have nothing to do with towns and salesmen .
4 The Kremlin can not be described .
5 What is theologically and pastorally appropriate in the eastern Mediterranean and the Ukraine can not be theologically wrong and pastorally unsuitable anywhere else .
6 The details of the SPR can then be entered and updated using option 3.2.0 , Update SPR , specifying this SPR identifier .
7 As the RSFSR can not be put at risk by being surrounded by non-obedient or independent and sovereign republics in Ukraine , Belorussia , Lithuania , Armenia , etc. , so the security of the USSR as a national state can not be put at risk by non-obedient and sovereign countries in east central Europe ( and possibly elsewhere ) .
8 The future of the NHS can not be considered in isolation from policies relating to prevention , public health and ‘ care in the community ’ ( Labour Party 1989 )
9 A change in Eisenhower 's thinking on the USSR can perhaps be traced back to the visit by Churchill and Eden at the end of June 1954 .
10 He points to the fact that the Atlantic can now be crossed in three and a half hours as indisputable evidence that the pace has hotted up , but in his view , the next generation will assimilate such changes .
11 Unlike a lead tingle fixing , the Sim-Fix can not be pushed out of place by snow slippage .
12 PGA is a big lunchtime hit around the Practical PC office and the Ed can regularly be seen tucked away in his office playing a round of golf .
13 The financial difficulties of the BBC can also be observed in the following data .
14 As he said , it makes some criticism of the European dimension , but in paragraph 8 headed ’ Europe ’ it also says : ’ While local government structure in the UK can not be determined by the nature of European structural funds and the case for regional authorities with power over service delivery has not been made out , the European dimension must nonetheless be considered in the longer term . ’
15 The BM can never be guaranteed to have learned perfectly , so learning continues until the machine 's performance appears to be good enough .
16 But the twists and turns of Currie 's political career are simply a graphic illustration of the fact the SDLP can not be regarded as the Labour Party in Northern Ireland .
17 In addition , it is worth noting that Markowitz has argued that the inconclusive nature of the empirical research does not mean that the CAPM can not be sensibly used for portfolio analysis and assessment .
18 Having been abseiled onto while soloing , had my runners pulled on by top-ropers and queued while large parties top-roped routes too hard for them , the BMC can only be congratulated for finally taking the matter in hand with an award for single pitch supervisors .
19 THE covert world of the SAS can today be revealed for the first time .
20 But the BIS can also be seen as the project of a dissident Quakerism which led Elizabeth Pease Nichol to leave the Friends on her marriage ; the Peases found collaborators in the Dubliner Richard Webb whose contempt for the ‘ form and conventionalisms ’ of British reformers has already been indicated and his Unitarian associates such as James Haughton .
21 In July 1981 the Secretary-General of the GCC specified that ‘ the neutrality of the Gulf can not be separated from the neutrality of the adjacent areas — the Arabian Sea , the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea ’ .
22 Because it is conducted at a particular point in the year , the spring , the LFS can not be used to investigate seasonal variations in the size or structure of the temporary workforce .
23 While the Dak can hardly be called a sprinter , its relative simplicity means that a true ‘ cab rank ’ operation can be staged , with the aircraft out on the pan ready to start as soon as the alarm is raised and a back-up aircraft ready to go beyond that very quickly .
24 Many features of the N.T. can not be fully appreciated without the O.T. , e.g. the Jewish fear of ritual contamination by a corpse , implicit in the story of the Good Samaritan .
25 Priced £3.49 , the Trolleysafe can also be used with chairs .
26 The figures of net contributions to the EC can not be accepted without question .
27 According to Berke and Stubbs ( 1989 ) a DSS can often be conceptualized as a tool to be used as part of an interactive learning process allowing the user to undertake ‘ what if ’ analyses and view the consequences of such alternatives .
28 An SPR can only be closed once and should only be closed when all necessary work has been completed .
29 An SPR can only be closed once and should only be closed when all necessary work has been completed .
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