Example sentences of "[art] [noun prp] had been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The weather signs in the sky of the previous evening had foretold correctly but the Ben had been kind to me on my first ascent .
2 Economic progress within the EEC had been satisfactory .
3 They were also admired for their military prowess , it being widely assumed that before the arrival of the British the Masai had been paramount among the tribes of East Africa ; they were ‘ aristocrats and formerly conquered east central Africa ’ .
4 The Netherlands had been happy to accept the supranational principle in advance , but insisted on retaining the right to withdraw from the discussions should it prove impossible in its eyes for the ideas to be turned into economic practice .
5 The struggle for unification of the opposition in the Netherlands had been difficult , but at least there a much more substantial commercial class could simultaneously fight the Habsburgs and prevent the outbreak of class war .
6 The rank and file of both the Socialist movement and the CNT had been frustrated enough at the limitations of social reform under the Republic ; when the Radicals and the right set about negating what little seemed to have been gained , militancy rose to new levels .
7 While under Polish rule , the Orthodox hierarchy in the Ukraine had been able to resist the spread of Catholic influence only by adopting many of the methods and some of the ideas characteristic of the Counter-Reformation .
8 The Molesworths had been impressed , but as they never read the various journals for which Lydia worked they were little the wiser .
9 From the beginning , indeed , the CNAA had been concerned with the college as a whole , though there were no specific powers in the Charter to oblige it to do so .
10 Needless to say , an appeal took place in the summer of 1991 and it came to light that although the Sharmas had been entitled to take Sophie and Robbie , they had never done so .
11 He claimed that the military significance of Porkkala for the USSR had been similar to that of Guantanamo for the United States .
12 By the early 1980s only a few thousand of the million or so who lived elsewhere in the USSR had been able to return , despite an active campaign on their behalf by dissidents as well as Tatar activists .
13 Their daughter had provided all the labour-saving devices : dishwasher , washing machine , spin-dryer , all housed in a disused still room near the back door , although until she came the Copleys had been reluctant to use them in case they could n't turn them off , visualizing the machines whirling away all night , overheating , blowing up , the whole rectory pulsating with an uncontrollable power .
14 Mr Kerfoot said this week that in 1988 one of his oil suppliers on the Rhine had been keen to send raw material to Britain by rail instead of road because of pressure from the German Government .
15 Certainly the Armstrongs had been famous Border Reivers , or cattle rustlers , in the Debatable Land of Border Ballads and Sir Walter Scott 's romances .
16 At the time , most observers believed that the real reason was that the BBC had been unable to persuade the newly-elected Conservative government to contribute towards the cost of setting up ( about £3million at 1977 prices ) or running a dedicated traffic service .
17 A Whig tract of 1711 argued that " The Revolution was almost entirely owing to them [ Tories ] " , whilst the Nonconformist Daniel Defoe repeatedly replied to the charge made by High Churchmen in Anne 's reign that the Dissenters had been responsible for the murder of Charles , by reminding them what they " did to his Son " : " if they will go back to 48 , and provoke us to Recriminate , by telling us of Killing the Father ; let us bring them back to 88 , and tell them of Deposing the Son , and sending him Abroad to beg his Bread " .
18 As Hilary Land points out in the first of her articles reproduced here , the TUC had been ambivalent and suspicious about the introduction of family allowances throughout the 1930s .
19 The Brockwells had been present for all the evidence at the Palais de Justice in Paris .
20 More to the point , he was the only accessible target the CIA had been able to find , and the DEA had an informant — Sami Jafaar — who was both willing and able to nail him .
21 European interference in the Levant had been evident since the 1840s when representatives of the European powers proposed to the Turks that Lebanon should be partitioned between Christians and Druze .
22 These accusations were denied by the government , the BSP , and the Soviet ambassador , Viktor Sharapov , who at a press conference on Aug. 26 said that his only contacts with the government and the BSP had been official ones at which he had delivered the statement of the State Committee for the State of Emergency ( the Soviet coup leaders ) and Gorbachev 's subsequent repudiation of it , and had discussed the forthcoming visit to Moscow of a Bulgarian economic mission .
23 The PAC had been unbanned in February [ see p. 37232 ] .
24 The vote for the SRs had been strong in the Kursk and Poltava gubernii .
25 As Fulbright presented it , in what amounted to a proclamation of American innocence and British guilt , the US had been had' by her allies ; and while this may not appear to be entirely convincing , Fulbright had picked up the importance of what Acheson had described as the danger of Ho Chi Minh 's ‘ direct communist connection ’ — and might , indeed , have gone further .
26 The government programme to which the PSE-PSOE had been unable to agree envisaged the transfer to the region of responsibility for social security and local management of the national employment institute , as well as the creation of a Basque public bank .
27 The Parsons had been good to me .
28 Although the USA had been successful in persuading the UN Trusteeship Council ( where the Soviet Union had no power of veto ) to declare the trusteeship terminated in 1986 , little diplomatic recognition had been extended to the FSM or to the Marshall Islands , since the view was widely held that termination could become effective only with the approval of the Security Council .
29 The USA had been concerned over Israeli arms dealing with South Africa , China and a number of Latin American countries .
30 The USA had been withholding agreement to the guarantees to indicate its displeasure with the absence of progress towards a peace settlement .
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