Example sentences of "[art] [adv] few [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For among the rather few objections by Pound that Eliot paid no attention to were one or two which would have required him to make consistent , in terms of locality and historical period , some of his references to London life .
2 Nor were the comparatively few letters of Walter Machin himself much more revealing .
3 Meanwhile , the relatively few persons for whom special knowledge and training are reserved are freed so far as possible from the obligations of simple labour ’ ( Braverman , 1974 , pp. 82–3 ) .
4 I begin here , therefore , with a discussion of the relatively few reports of attempts to replicate and extend his findings .
5 The discussions are close to a conclusion and I understand that my hon. Friend will shortly be writing to the industry to clear up some of the remaining points , which will isolate the relatively few issues to be settled .
6 And Rome insisted that the ritual occur in a consecrated church — which , given the relatively few churches in the country at the time and their tendency to be congregated in certain areas , was not always possible in Ireland .
7 Only the relatively few places at these institutions provide full-time care , particularly for single mothers .
8 We are ( sadly ) used to antagonism from some anglers and landowners but when a leading conservation officer says ( as has been reported ) that the World Wild Fund for Nature 's contribution of around £40,000 would be well worth while if boats were kept off one mile of water , it is hard to swallow , especially when you bear in mind the relatively few miles of water which are available to use even with the protection of the Rights of Way Act !
9 Lack of robustness of the findings may be due to the relatively few numbers of still births in the interval classes and to other data problems , though the intervention of determinants that mediate the effect of birth interval , or some other factor can not be excluded either .
10 Of the relatively few exceptions to the pattern two which call for mention are Chicheley Hall , Buckinghamshire ( 1719–21 ) , and Sutton Scarsdale , Derbyshire ( begun 1724 ) : the exotic façade of the former probably owes more to the taste of the patron , Sir John Chester , than to Smith 's own devising ; but Sutton Scarsdale , in part evidently inspired by Gibbs 's unexecuted design of 1721 for the university buildings at Cambridge , is his finest work , a wholly convincing essay in the heroic grand manner , in which the giant Corinthian order is handled with total assurance .
11 The very few cases in point suggest that his confidence would not be misplaced .
12 To the rector 's unfeigned delight , the newcomer was among the very few communicants at the altar rail at the eight o'clock service on the following Sunday .
13 Prostatitis is one of the very few conditions for which doctors may sometimes recommend more sex .
14 Tanzania is one of the very few countries in Africa that broadcasts in only one African language plus that of the former colonial power .
15 When the old Roman city was revived and became London again , from the late ninth century on , one of its prime functions in the eyes of King Alfred and his successors was as a bulwark against the Danes ; his boroughs had a major defensive role to play , and London was the greatest of them — one of the very few cities of this age which came wholly to fill a Roman enceinte .
16 The Dornoch Firth is one of the very few areas around the British Isles given a Grade A classification for shellfish purity .
17 He must have been a natural for the job , being one of the very few Greeks with an appropriate qualification .
18 In 1668 he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society , becoming thereby one of the very few businessmen in that body .
19 It is one of the very few creatures in the world that can kill by electrocution .
20 Salt was one of the very few necessaries of life that could not be produced anywhere and had to be transported from the centres of production on the sea coasts , on tidal rivers , and from certain inland centres .
21 The car was parked neatly between two patches of off-street parking , in one of the very few parts of the street that was neither metered nor dedicated to residents ' parking .
22 He was one of the very few men of science who gave a welcome , albeit qualified , to Vestiges ( 1844 ) presumably because he could see the wood for the trees ; but when the Origin of Species came out in 1859 he disliked it heartily , and became one of the most formidable opponents of Darwin and Huxley .
23 As Frances Power Cobbe observed , the doctor assumed a position of great importance in the middle class household and was indeed one of the very few men of her own class that the married middle class woman dealt with directly ; while to doctors , middle class female patients represented a lucrative source of income .
24 They did not pause on her arrival , though Alix , ever polite , waved obliquely to welcome her back : watching them , it occurred to Liz that perhaps in all the years they had all known one another , this was one of the very few occasions on which they had all been in the same room .
25 This quotation is one of the very few places in his work where he actually mentions soil erosion .
26 In a very few appearances on the mini tour , he accrued sufficient money to gain his card for the 1991 Volvo Tour .
27 To her surprise , within a very few minutes of passing the broken signpost , she came upon her ‘ pony tree ’ .
28 There were a very few sources of material which were unrationed : parachute nylon could be bought sometimes and this was used for underclothes and men 's shirts .
29 Assuming a mean temperature of 14°C for the earth and lower atmosphere as a whole , all but a very few homeotherms in tropical regions lose heat constantly to the environment .
30 Everything eaten turns to wind and they may feel full and distended after only a very few mouthfuls with momentary relief ( > ) from belching .
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