Example sentences of "[art] [adv] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The immaculately conceived Mother of God with the Christ Child is apparently only one of the latest — although , as we shall see later , not the latest — and most idealized versions of this idea .
2 When a show is imminent , as it almost always is somewhere in the world , they spend over ten hours a day in the immaculately ordered studio at the bottom of their garden .
3 As the coach swung around the mountain 's impressive edge , directly below the vast height , I looked up and seemed to see the grimly laughing face of one of the woodcarver 's gods .
4 He wore the elegantly cut suit over a white shirt and an old Etonian tie .
5 After two pitches I suffered one of those inexplicable aberrations and instead of following the blatantly curving crack into which we had been cramming our limbs for the last 60ft I launched up an unerringly straight vertical groove above the belay .
6 There were several prominent Anglophobes in Truman 's Administration , like James Byrnes , the Secretary of State , but most of the opposition stemmed from the widely held belief within the American electorate that the United States should guard its lead , if not monopoly , in military and civil uses of atomic energy .
7 The management and staff of LASMO Colombia were honoured by the visit , which reinforces the widely held belief within head office and in Bogota that Colombia could well become LASMO 's third core area in the near future . ’
8 The ANC said that the Commission 's revelations confirmed that the state had conducted a " vicious campaign of misinformation and propaganda " against the organization since its unbanning in February 1990 , and that they added weight to the widely held belief in the existence of a " third force " of agents provocateurs linked to the SADF which was engendering township violence .
9 When Baulig , between the wars , was strongly advocating worldwide eustatic changes of sea level the only possible reasonable explanation , namely deformation of ocean basins , seemed very unlikely in view of the widely held view of the permanency of ocean basins current at that time .
10 That so much effort has gone into getting general practitioners on board is a tribute to the widely held view within social services that general practitioners are not central to community care , but their capacity for throwing a spanner in the works is considerable .
11 To Adam Smith each trade had its " peculiar infirmity " , and the economist was familiar with the widely selling translation of the classic work by Bernard Ramazzini , De Morbis Artificum Diatriba , which added to the diagnostic list the question : " what occupation does he follow ? …
12 From the widely reported experience of the Victoria Press in London ( which survived into the 1880s , though Emily Faithfull had moved on by then ) and the lesser known and less successful Caledonian Press in Edinburgh , what provisional conclusions can usefully be drawn ?
13 He may perhaps speculate with me on whether the widely reported drop in standards of literacy among children of school-leaving age can in any way be connected with the massive dispersals and changes which have taken place in these educational libraries .
14 Worthy of mention in this review of closures and revivals is the widely applauded reprieve by Chris Green , director of Network SouthEast , of London 's Marylebone station on 30 April 1986 .
15 These myths , suggests Moseley , have underlain the widely found reluctance in rural Britain to promote the provision of a co-ordinated , efficient system of public transport .
16 Romania has the worst equipped army in the Warsaw Pact .
17 These differences are important , just as it is important to highlight the political position taken by the editors of the volume and the empirically based nature of some of the chapters ( chapters 8 and 9 ) compared with the more abstract nature of others ( chapters 5 and 6 ) .
18 The skilfully deployed irony in Herbert 's case is enhanced by the Psalm 's announcement of God 's punishment of those who are his people 's enemies , rather than the reverse as Herbert 's poem suggests .
19 An exceptionally rare occasion — the intensely moving concert-drama by Arthur Honegger , to the poem of Paul Claudel , calls for massive forces … 4 actors , 5 solo singers , children 's choir , double chorus and large symphony orchestra featuring an ondes martenot under the brilliant young American conductor David Robinson .
20 It is now proposed that the rarely exercised power of the House to imprison be abolished and for a power for the Commons to impose a fine ( as can the House of Lords ) to be substituted .
21 The longest serving member of staff has been offered the one post that we will be able to fund from the Scottish Education Department for next session and currently we are waiting for a decision on that matter . ’
22 Even if Bernard Stasi may be right in describing Jack Lang 's cultural policy as a ‘ spectacular performance played behind closed doors for the amusement of the prince and his obliging friends ’ , it will be a challenge to succeed him , the longest serving Minister of Culture of the Fifth Republic .
23 Orton was the longest serving prisoner of conscience in Africa .
24 Mr Edward Heath , as Father of the House , the longest serving MP in the new Parliament , will be in the chair for the election .
25 Gary Speed must be the longest serving player at Leeds now with about 5 years .
26 Walker Trophy , named after one of Stoddards late Directors , whose son Mr. Tom Walker , is the longest serving employee in the Company .
27 Records are made to be broken and Tom Walker , although holding the record for the longest serving employee within the group , may well qualify for an industry wide record if it were possible .
28 Prime Minister : Sir Lynden Pindling , the longest serving leader in the Commonwealth , having held office since 1967 .
29 This is not the principle aim of Capitalism Socialism and Democracy ( written in 1942 ) , but it is the longest lasting element of that work , which actually Schumpeter wrote to demonstrate the inevitable and regrettable emergence of socialism ( as he defined it ) after the Second World War .
30 Dover has the longest recorded history of any major fortress in the kingdom — a history to begins in the Iron Age and continues beyond World War II .
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