Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] we [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 You would think we all agreed that acting to end third-world poverty was our number one priority , and that we would all , with barely a sigh of regret , give up our cars , our fridge-freezers and dishwashers , would cease commuting and return to live in the cities we abandoned for the good of our children , and would generally resume our lives as good citizens after 13 years in the desert .
2 Erm , I work for Scottish Women 's Football and the plans we have for this year erm , shall hopefully encourage more women to come into the sport .
3 As an agency working in the field of community development , the past two years should have been optimistic ones for Falls Community Council , as new money pumped through BAT has been made available to us and the groups we work for and with .
4 It means broadening our agenda and questioning the decisions on which it is based , the reasons we go for one story and exclude others .
5 Since the values for E and G vary , of course , for each solid the values we get for the theoretical strengths will vary too .
6 ‘ He is ideal because he is both a statesman and an artist [ he used to write rather stodgy plays ] , and we believe he shares the values we stand for , ’ says an ICA spokesman .
7 Packed with information on the animals we use for food , clothing , entertainment , transport or in scientific experiments .
8 There were none of the comforts we take for granted now .
9 Lack of money prevents us eating properly when we are children , ruins our health , rots our teeth , makes our parents quarrel and take to drink , stops us having the clothes we want , the friends we like , the parties we long for , stops us having the tuition which would enable us to get an education — makes us end up street sweepers and not doctors ; induces women to have babies because there is no money for travel or entertainment , or to leave the parental home any other way : lack of money humiliates us all our lives : lack of money makes us live with husbands or wives we no longer love : lack of money makes us age earlier than we need : makes our hands rough with toil and our brows creased with anxiety : keeps us weeping by day and sleepless by night : the terror in our lives is the bill through the door which ca n't be paid : our lives close in the knowledge of failure — we failed to make enough money .
10 Sometimes we come very close to the world outside , for example when we hear someone say the words we need for a piece of writing we 're involved in we commit it lovingly to memory so we can use it .
11 The experiences we organise for our learners vary according to the command of the language they have .
12 Ken , if we could er look at what 's actually happening out there to pensioners at the moment , I think of which we 're all very concerned , but there has been a small item of good news to balance against the concerns we have for those pensioners that are still suffering from uncertainty and that is some money has started to come in as a result of legal actions and settlements out of court .
13 During Christian Aid Week itself it is the finds we make for customers that delight us , whether it is discovering just the right dictionary to fit the schoolbag of the 7-year-old son of a young bus-driver , just one number of the National Geographic magazine to complete someone 's sequence , or some early Penguins or American periodicals for the University or National Library collections .
14 For it often happens that the things we take for granted are the very things that need most explaining , but to which we give least attention because we are barely conscious of them ourselves .
15 It throws words like real and normal into question , continually challenges and subverts the things we take for granted , the things we think we know .
16 The things we do for England !
17 We think of all the things we wanted for Danny — a job , a happy marriage , children .
18 Then we are to pray for the things we need for the doing of that holy will — food for the body and soul , forgiveness for the failures and sins of the past , and help to forgive others who sin against us , protection in temptation and deliverance from evil .
19 Singing was intended to enhance the bond between us , for by reciting verses and lines about the Legion , past and present , we were reinforcing our beliefs in the traditions we stood for .
20 Secondly the allowance for inflation was based on a three per cent price increase and because of the very competitive nature of the prices we receive for maintenance work a sum of two hundred and seventy thousand pounds can be carried forward into next year from this allowance , in other words the real purchasing power of the budget have been maintained and two hundred and seventy thousand pounds can be put aside to stand in the future .
21 Over the last ten years , the Government has removed many of the freedoms we take for granted .
22 Would you please let me have the photos we supplied for your exhibition , so that they can be added to our stock and used by other people .
23 ‘ I 've got the tickets we ordered for the Welsh match at Twickenham next month .
24 As to the possibility of the crew shooting some extra footage whilst at the museum , I am afraid this would have to be dependent on the time taken for the shots we plan for use in our Project Video .
25 Quantum theory then predicts that when a measurement of some property of one of the particles ( call it A ) is made the results we obtain for certain measurements on particle B depend , not only on the results we get for the measurement on A , but also on what property of A we decide to measure .
26 Quantum theory then predicts that when a measurement of some property of one of the particles ( call it A ) is made the results we obtain for certain measurements on particle B depend , not only on the results we get for the measurement on A , but also on what property of A we decide to measure .
27 ‘ Although it is impossible to respond to all the pleas we receive for charitable aid , it is wonderful when we can help a worthwhile cause . ’
28 If we are serious in our intent to protect the children we care for then we must attempt to ‘ treat ’ the root cause of abuse rather than the symptoms , as Mr Pringle appears to suggest .
29 But , it 's up to organisations like the ones we work for to respond to that and to not be doing the planning on behalf of other people .
30 In the summer we let the horses out on the fields and every morning we catch the horses we need for the day 's work .
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