Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] had been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 An electoral alliance , the Nationalist Action for Peace ( Acción Nacionalista por la Paz ) , was unexpectedly announced on Feb 7 by Carlos Pizarro Leóngómez , leader of the left-wing guerrilla April 19 Movement ( M-19 ) , and José Joaquín Matallana , a former Army general who as Director of the Department for the Administration of Security ( DAS ) in the mid-1970s had been responsible for combating the activities of the M-19 and other guerrilla groups .
2 The damage was double : the exposure to the flames had been long enough to cause severe burns to his face , head and hands ; worse , he had been forced , as the flames consumed the oxygen , to inhale volatile fuel and smoke , both of which critically affected his lungs and blood .
3 Er , sometimes it 's for tax reasons , sometimes it 's for er , for , for , for erm , er , reasons such as last year when er , we wrote down our , our stake by some seventy one million erm , it was because at that point the financing for B Sky B was not yet er , at all clear because the shareholders had been unable to agree at that point erm , that they would guarantee the two hundred or so million that er , needed to go in before the er , project became successful and so there was a genuine doubt on the financing .
4 Since the Criminal Justice Act 1967 , the Courts had been able to suspend a sentence of imprisonment , but not to require part of it to be served in custody with part suspended .
5 For some time before Rylands v. Fletcher the courts had been concerned with the extent of a person 's liability for the escape of an accumulation of water from his land during the normal course of mining operations .
6 Throughout the thirties the Germans had been eager to displace the British .
7 An understanding had been arrived at with the Danish Tourist Board that nothing of the fabric or the furnishings and fittings in either the Tuscan Villa or The Tamarisks should be altered ; the houses had been complete works of art when they were taken over and were to be respected as such .
8 Some of the dates were release dates but they were not all genuine because one of the prisoners had been able to interfere with the computer and ‘ reduce ’ the sentences .
9 A political storm which had developed in September around the proposed sale of 35 small islands in the Bay of Argolis and the Saronic Gulf abated after a government official , Byron Polydoras , on Oct. 14 assured journalists that the proposals had been that " certain rocky islets " should be leased — not sold — " on a long-term basis for tourist development " .
10 In the nineteenth century , the House of Commons forced successive ministries to publish collections of dispatches dealing with Britain 's relations with foreign powers shortly after the events had taken place , simply so that the House could judge whether the policies had been appropriate .
11 As we have seen , in a large number of colonies the authorities had been involved in publishing newspapers , Using both the colonial and local languages , they had tried to put over the official point of view , often in an attempt to forestall or counter alternative interpretations and opinions .
12 Although the US 1988 Indian Gaming Act allowed casinos on reservations only with the agreement of the local state , the authorities had been reluctant to act against the St Regis establishments for fear of violating treaties guaranteeing the sovereignty of the reservation .
13 After two such incidents in Melbourne in 1987 the federal government had banned the importation of semi-automatic weapons , but the states had been unable to agree upon a common strategy for tightening the laws relating to such weapons already in circulation .
14 The cash on offer for the hurdle race had stretched the racing world 's eyes wide and excited owners into twisting their trainers ' arms so that the entries had been phenomenal ( Dee-Dee said ) .
15 They decided the brakes had been defective , that the high wind that night had tipped it over . ’
16 The schools had been involved with financial devolution for a varying number of years , from just over one year to more than seven .
17 The Tatars had been one of the groups expelled from their traditional homelands in 1944 on grounds of alleged Nazi sympathies ( and a certain amount of active collaboration ) .
18 Molinari and Foulkes found that subjects woken up following bursts of eye movement activity reported more vivid dreams than when woken up following intervals of REM sleep in which the eyes had been still .
19 The employees appealed and it was held , allowing the appeal , that the industrial tribunal had erred in law in holding that an intention to compete in the future with their employers expressed by the employees in letters to their employers ' suppliers was in itself a breach of a duty of fidelity owed by the employees to the employers and that accordingly the dismissals had been unfair .
20 Under the common law , the measure of damages for a breach of warranty will be to put the purchaser in the position it would have been in if all the warranties had been true .
21 ‘ Up to then , the fans had been tolerant , but they began to get on my back after that .
22 The authority of the clergy had been second to none during the years of persecution and this appears to have strengthened as a direct result of Roman centralization from the 1850s onwards .
23 But the air-raids had been biggest on the night .
24 In the opening rounds the waves had been small , four to five feet .
25 She knew now why the voices had been unintelligible : they were speaking in French .
26 Indeed , it was on those occasions when Branson had invested in projects not obviously related to the pop milieu that the losses had been greatest ; clothes , restaurants , Event magazine .
27 It had only sounded that way to his western ears — because the words had been Chinese !
28 I took refuge , therefore , in my customary routines sketching a few brief memoranda for Monday morning , removing the paper clips strewn about my otherwise tidy desk , checking that the main office windows were all shut , even although the Security staff would be along later , and that was strictly speaking their job , and that all the typewriters had been unplugged from the wall sockets .
29 By reducing the size of the warheads , however , the Iraqis had been able to increase the range of some of their Scuds .
30 The court was influenced by evidence pointing to the fact that the defendants had been negligent and it was stated that had steps been taken to mitigate the nuisance , the Council would not have found itself in the position it was now in .
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