Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] at the time " in BNC.

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1 The system of accounting which recognizes the transaction in the accounts at the time an order is issued is called ‘ commitment accounting ’ .
2 It is true that cases of seditious words brought before the courts at the time of the disturbances show that disaffection was often expressed in terms of a belief in Stuart legitimism : in early 1715 , Londoner Phillip Hide cursed King George and said " he had no right to the Crowne of England " , whilst on 29 May 1715 , during the Jacobite demonstrations in London , John Burnoist was noticed to be wandering the streets shouting " James the third is right and Lawfull King of England " , the " protector of the protestant religion " , and " George is a Usurper to the Crown " .
3 That such contracts have done so may be taken to show with at least strong prima facie force that , moulded under the pressures of negotiation , competition and public opinion , they have assumed a form which satisfies the test of public policy as understood by the courts at the time , or , regarding the matter from the point of view of the trade , that the trade in question has assumed such a form that for its health or expansion it requires a degree of regulation .
4 ‘ He was talking to the headmasters at the time and was not prepared to pose .
5 At the 1983 Annual General Meeting Robert Naish lost his role by a substantial margin to Basil Peacock , who joined the Club as a Junior before the War , and was Secretary to the Bondholders at the time of redemption .
6 Horoscopic astrology , according to which the positions of the planets at the time of birth determines the fate of the individual , did not develop until much later .
7 Then there are the men and women who give up trying to strengthen their weak areas because they are informed that the conjunction of the planets at the time of their births will not allow them to do so .
8 Another increasingly common way round the rules at the time was to engage in lease/lease-back arrangements , which became more and more complicated as the rules surrounding them tried to plug loop-holes , until they were finally outlawed in 1987 .
9 If he had given me the £5000 , under the rules at the time I would have had to donate 15 per cent to the British Board — totally unfair in my view as I had had to find the sponsorship myself .
10 I , I actually think they probably did use up all that was possible available to them at the time , and so , in some ways , this is against the spirit of the policy , although the policies have been changed , and I hear what Councillor said about improvement to the place , and so I do n't think we 'd serve any useful purpose in stopping these people doing this , because they 're probably not the people who were responsible for the flagrant disobeying of the rules at the time .
11 It has even been darkly insinuated by Paolucci ( in Beccaria , 1963 ) that he may merely have been used as a front by his radical friends , the Verri brothers , who were too much in trouble with the authorities at the time to risk writing it themselves
12 She apparently told her , contrary to the impression given in the former interview covered by Document B , that she never condoned her daughter 's going away — which she referred to rather dramatically as a ‘ kidnap ’ — that she did everything she could to bring the matter to the authorities at the time , but ‘ was prevented ’ , that she had certainly never agreed to her daughter living with her brother , that her daughter 's health had suffered alarmingly , and that she never told any social worker that she had agreed .
13 When it was heard that he had been shot in the legs at the time of his arrest , the reporters assured their readers that the general view of the British people was , ‘ A pity they did n't aim a bit higher . ’
14 So popular was this concert that there was no admission charge , only a collection , as it went on for two evenings , but strangely enough , David did n't offer to take part , although George Underwood did and he had a very popular group called George and the Dragons at the time .
15 In all general elections in Britain since the Second World War , polls have been conducted to estimate the state of the parties at the time , and the number of such polls continues to grow .
16 The certainty of a lease as to its continuance must be ascertainable either by the express limitation of the parties at the time the lease is made , or by reference to some collateral act which may , with equal certainty , measure the continuance of it , otherwise it is void . ’
17 One is attempting to discover what was the intention of the parties at the time they made the contract .
18 The result reached by Nield , J , is that ‘ rent reserved ’ means ‘ the rent agreed between the parties at the time of the demise ’ .
19 Those who advocated the adoption of leases hoped , by formalising all this , to focus the minds of the parties at the time of entering into the transaction .
20 The test is one test , applied on the factors known to the parties at the time of the breach .
21 One of the circumstances which was known , or ought to have been known , to the parties at the time they were entering into the contract was that in certain circumstances the clause would clearly be unenforceable ( namely , in the area of liability for death or personal injury ) .
22 It may suit one of the parties at the time of the reference to exploit the uncertainty created by poor drafting , either by delaying matters by a construction summons ( see 8.17.7 ) or by insisting on a particular definition of the issue which is to that party 's advantage .
23 … there was , of course , a dispute between the parties at the time in question in the sense that they could not agree on the amount of the yearly rent ; but it was not a dispute in which each had formulated a view which was then placed for decision before the independent surveyor .
24 In Shell UK v Lostock Garage Ltd [ 1976 ] 1 WLR 1187 Lord Denning MR explained what he thought was meant by the proposition that reasonableness is to be considered at the time when the contract is made : If the terms impose a restraint which is unreasonable in the sense that it may work unfairly in circumstances which may reasonably be anticipated , the courts will refuse to enforce the restraint : but it will not hold it to be unenforceable simply because it might work unfairly in certain exceptional circumstances outside the reasonable expectation of the parties at the time of making the agreement .
25 However they decided the case on another basis and Pearson LJ said " it may be said in answer to the possibility of such a reductio ad absurdum , though no doubt , it has to be taken into account , is far from conclusive , because it may involve unlikely hypotheses , which would be outside the reasonable expectations of the parties at the time of the making of the contract of employment " .
26 sanctimonious self-righteous people , from the name given to an extremist religious sect among the Jews at the time of Christ who seemed more concerned with forms and outward observances prescribed by the Law of Moses than with any inward and spiritual meaning .
27 The defendants at the time of the victims ' deaths were presumably unconscious and it is accordingly difficult to attribute to them any mens rea .
28 Both the adopted children and the institutionalized boys thus show that the deprivation of intellectual and social experience in infancy had not produced irreversible consequences , however drastic the effects at the time .
29 Franks devised the ingenious formula that the use of the air bases in an emergency naturally remained " a matter for joint decision in the light of the circumstances at the time " .
30 Er , if any shareholder in B Sky B er , was selling shares , we would obviously consider er , whether we went up from our present sixteen percent er , to twenty percent but it would depend on the circumstances at the time .
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