Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] set [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 On the one hand , Lord Greene MR indicated the strict limits on the powers of the courts to set aside an administrative decision where the public authority acted within its jurisdiction .
2 and my Lord er in relation to this judgment er you 've got the courts setting out the principal at page er one stroke five , forty , paragraph fourteen of the judgment that 's the principal of suspension and it 's then got it 's conditions for suspension on the next page , paragraph twenty two
3 In November 1940 the Vichy government abolished the ineffective Commission de Châlons , intending to replace it with an organisation called Le Bureau de Repartition du Vinicole de Champagne , but in April the following year the Germans set up the CIVC .
4 Many of these will be unleashed in Britain by Lynmart , a company headed by Mr Raggett , who worked closely with the Russians to set up the British Astronaut Project , JUNO .
5 For example , the researchers set up the apparatus hours and even days before they took the final readings .
6 It is scarcely feasible for the communes to set up the apparatus to assess local household incomes ; this is a matter that is best left to the republics and provinces .
7 It seems necessary to conclude that in his view the words set up no trust .
8 The words set up an echo in Lorton 's mind : he remembered Sue 's death , and the doctor saying , She ca n't tell us what the problem was now , Mr Lorton .
9 His first tasks were to erect fortifications , to intrigue to prevent the Arabs from uniting to expel the intruder , and to use the Jews to set up a highly efficient intelligence network .
10 The exiles set up a medical school at Jundishapur , south of modern Teheran , where their arcane and esoteric formulae were stolen by the Arabs during the early conquests of Islam .
11 The companies set up the Volta Aluminium Company ( VALCO ) in 1959 .
12 The investigators set up a bogus export company and contacted more than 130 Hunts .
13 The Russians , fighting desperately to hold back the German invaders , called on the Allies to set up a " second front " in Western Europe by invading France .
14 The dogs were set off by it and the dogs set off the sheep and the goats and the cows .
15 The regulations setting out the procedure whereby a soldier in the British Army can apply for conscientious objector status are classified as a ‘ restricted ’ document — to which only army officers have access .
16 The covenants set out the formal obligations of both landlord and tenant .
17 This , as has been said , is particularly true of the moves to set up an unaccountable Central Bank .
18 The great success of the Junior School prompted the Governors to set up a Preparatory Department so that boys could be admitted at the age of 5 .
19 In the Corridor and those areas ceded to Poland before the plebiscite , the Poles set about a land reform and began expropriation procedures , to dispossess German farmers of land and homes .
20 The Sheriff , Mr. Truelock , was called and with two of the men set about the work of destruction .
21 She 'd seen him earlier , talking to one of the men setting up the car ramps on the far side of the field .
22 Against the opposition of respectable male co-operators the women set up a number of successful shops of this kind .
23 The women set up a project to make cheap , home-built latrines with local materials .
24 Interpretation or " construction " of the documents setting out the manner in which the expert should have resolved the issue appeared , until recently , to be a fruitful line for challenge to decisions .
25 15 army trucks arrived and the soldiers set up an ambush to try and kill us all .
26 According to the Constitution , the treaties , including the clauses setting up the League , had to be agreed by a two-thirds majority in the Senate .
27 The motive for Nepomuk 's canonisation appears to have been an attempt by the Jesuits to set up an alternative national hero to the heretical Hus .
28 He wheeled his horse , and roared his own knights round upon their bowmen ; and the loyal among the marksmen set up an answering howl , and fell out as best they could , leaping sidelong into the bushes and up the heathery slope , to stand clear of the slaughter and find a vantage-point again from which they could play their part .
29 MMT operates purely in the UK South East where Haines claims 2% to 3% market share , and has no plans to set up a regional office up North until this market is saturated , although an acquisition is possible .
30 ‘ that a person who has entered into the contract may either affirm or avoid such contract after the duress has ceased ; and if he has so voluntarily acted under it with a full knowledge of all the circumstances he may be held bound on the ground of ratification , or if , after escaping from the duress , he takes no steps to set aside the transaction he may be found to have affirmed it . ’
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