Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] hold [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Before exploring some of the attitudes held towards the issue of assessment by the arts teachers interviewed , it might help to look at the philosophies being advanced by them towards the teaching of their respective specialisms .
2 The attitudes held by the modern racists are deracialized in that the attitudes are justified by traditional values , such as equality and fairness , and not by oven racial themes .
3 So , too , did the British right wing , where two divisions of 13th Corps captured Montauban and Mametz , thereby isolating Fricourt — which nevertheless the Germans held until the following day .
4 The maps held in the archives of the Sechem — the keepers of Yek knowledge and the interpreters of their law — showed two land masses of continental size on the far side of the Great Sea .
5 There is no record of where the papingo was placed for the contests held during the first century of the Kilwinning Society of Archers .
6 These are calculated on the value of the investments held in the trust ( measured on their own offer and bid prices ) , the brokerage costs and stamp duty .
7 Among these will be the definitions held by the people involved as to what the primary task of the enterprise is , how its relationships to its environment are conceived by the people in their roles , what uses they make of technologies ‘ and the needs of the members for social and psychological satisfaction , and , above all , for support in the task of dealing with anxiety ’ ( Menzies , 1970 ) .
8 Listing the offices held by the pair was not done for information purposes — every five-year-old knew who they were — but to assert their authority .
9 All of the foregoing are in accordance with the lists held by the parties .
10 The total outflow of some $60 billion was financed by increases in the reserves held by the central banks of the industrial countries .
11 This includes one of the Runefangs held in the Imperial armoury .
12 The most elaborate shells in the collections held in the British Museum ( Natural History ) have come from a sub-littoral population of Rhoscolyn ( Anglesey ) .
13 The Chadwick Collection is an important addition to the collections held by the Museum 's Library and Records Centre and concerning the aviation industry in the North West .
14 There are cushions like the World Food Programme and the stocks held by the major grain producers , but emergencies and poor harvests could run them down very quickly .
15 After many doubts as to whether the event would go as planned , or if a significant number of aircraft would turn-up , the celebrations held over the weekend went off without a hitch and the whole town was enveloped in Norseman fever or Norsemania , as the local press called it .
16 One copy of each policy is held by the Personal Manager of your Branch should you need to consult an actual policy rather than the wordings held in the Trove version .
17 Topics are likely to be examined only from the viewpoints held within the individual disciplines .
18 A function which applies the interpreter 's expression evaluation program to the characters held in the argument string .
19 The ICL VME operating system command to enter a file of Job Control commands into a batch queue is SUBMIT-JOB or SBJ for short , so the command SBJ(PMMLIB.GIMMSJOB1) entered on a terminal will ask the VME system to place the commands held in the file PMMLIB.GIMMSJOB1 into the queue number specified on the JOB command line .
20 In 1882 one of the debates held in the YMCA in Portree was entitled ‘ Are the visits of tourists as a whole beneficial to the Highlands ? ’
21 Figure 4.1(a) shows the assets held at the end of 1986 by firms conducting general insurance business .
22 A popular form of scheme is the ‘ managed fund ’ , generally administered by insurance companies whereby the funds of several pension funds are combined to form one large portfolio , and the portfolio is often divided into units that are owned by the pension funds , the value of the unit being equal to the market value of the assets held in the whole portfolio divided by the number of units issued .
23 The material facts of that case , in so far as they relate to the present appeal , were that on the application of the Crown Prosecution Service , McCullough J. made a restraint order pursuant to section 77 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 in respect of the assets held by the applicants , a husband and wife .
24 In 1881 a socialist organization was formed with a mainly intellectual leadership , and it was obliged to confront the possibility of the recreation of Poland out of the territories held by the Tsar ( the part known as the Kingdom of Poland ) , the Habsburgs and the Hohenzollerns of Prussia .
25 While training at Lossiemouth in Scotland he met a young Scots girl , Maisie Hunter , at one of the dances held at the Station — from then on they met regularly .
26 The arrival of professional archivist Vicki Wilkinson among the documents held at the Edinburgh end of RBS was followed by a surprise discovery .
27 Each party is entitled to inspect the documents held by the other unless confidentiality is claimed in respect of them .
28 This project examines the nature and the scope of the records held at the Westminster Abbey Library that relate to the early modern period ie 1550-1750 .
29 We held an investigation and realised that some of the records held by the accounts departments did not tally with the real situation .
30 Thus , for instance , there were places within the lands held by the king-duke which were subject to a hierarchy of courts ultimately controlled by the Parlement , the supreme court of France which sat in Paris .
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