Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [adv] [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is widely believed that the mines also produced gold which was used in the crowns of Scotland 's kings .
2 I fear that the courts sorely missed assistance from academic lawyers specialising in this branch of the law ; but the law faculties in our universities were only beginning to be established towards the end of the 19th century .
3 Staff estimated that this very stiff target was attained relatively rarely , so that , at most , one in five of the prisoners actually received pay on any one day .
4 For example , if mutations reduce adult survival 16 times more than they reduce juvenile survival ( that is , v= 16 ) , a net mutation rate reduces juvenile and adult survival from their optimal values ( 0.945 , 0.505 ) to ( 0.866 , 0.155 ) ; if the mutations only affected adult survival , a mutation rate U 0.067 would reduce adult survival to zero .
5 The authorities also drafted regulations to circumscribe public activity in Tiananmen Square itself , which included the prohibition of any memorial activity and of " joking and playing , sitting and lying down on the ground " .
6 The meetings emphatically rejected implementation of such a scheme on an individual one-to-one basis but agreed that a way forward should be collectively examined .
7 The Puritans never sought persecution , but neither did they flinch from suffering when they were called to endure it .
8 Voting in Borno State was disrupted by violence when agents for one of the candidates openly distributed cash .
9 And though she cherished the times when Friend soared in companionship beside her through forever , always — reluctantly , it seemed sometimes , but always — he would pluck new motes of light and weave them into new shapes for her to read , but the shapes only made sense in their beauty , not in the real world where the coarseness of eating and cleaning and going to the toilet squashed the meanings out of the corners of her eyes .
10 The Venetians almost ignored dance-music ; contemporary German composers of ensemble music , following their keyboard and lute traditions , composed little else .
11 The traders sometimes called swagmen have battled against the plan and are keen to hold on to their pitches for as long as they can .
12 They took an end because they took them in a scheme where the kids actually got jobs what you 've done .
13 Until around nineteen eighty the methods generally involved impalement of cells with glass micro electrodes .
14 The parties also agreed continuation of a multi-million-dollar joint development programme between Cypress and Ross focused on the development of a complex logic-oriented product .
15 The parties also agreed continuation of a multi-million-dollar joint development programme between Cypress and Ross focused on the development of a complex logic-oriented product .
16 Serocold Skeels inverted the logic of genocide : as the Jews ritually slaughtered cattle and the Talmud viewed gentiles as animals , growing Jewish power threatened the security of the goyim everywhere ; the Jews would soon have the legal power to murder whom they chose .
17 The defendants negligently discharged fuel oil into Sydney Harbour .
18 The miners openly defied October 1989 legislation outlawing political strikes and temporarily banning stoppages in key economic sectors [ see p. 36978 ] .
19 The administrators also commenced proceedings by writ against the director and others in respect of those transactions , claiming that the bank was liable to the company as constructive trustee for those sums .
20 The number of walkers on the West Highland Way rose to 90,000 last year , generating income in local communities , but the visitors also brought problems of erosion and litter .
21 The keys once stretched south from Florida almost to Cuba , each tiny island linked to the next by a bridge .
22 The judges unanimously deemed Malta to be the winner for the second year running .
23 Yet — and this is probably the most powerful message to Americans — in the depth of a recession , with a government looking tired and error-prone , the Conservatives probably clinched victory because Britons like and trust Mr Major more than Mr Kinnock .
24 You had to have meals-on-wheels because that was what there was , and particularly the meals-on-wheels study we did in Islington [ Barker & Noble , 1983 ] which clearly indicated that half the recipients desperately needed meals-on-wheels , but they needed a lot of other things as well , and that for the other half they were inappropriate anyway .
25 Mohammad Issa , another refugee , was quoted by Dhaka newspapers on Wednesday as saying that the troops also opened fire on another congregation at Sademsa .
26 I realized I would need to convince them at the first opportunity that I was primarily a practical policeman and not an academic ; and I also noted that while the college was keen to list the academic qualifications of those on the course , the participants quickly justified Lewis 's assertions by playing them down to emphasize their history of praxis and practical mastery .
27 The Minoans probably sent wine or olive oil to Mycenae ; numbers of stirrup-jars made in or near Kydonia have been found at Mycenae and Tiryns , as well as Thebes , implying a regular export trade from Crete ( Catling 1980 ) .
28 The dogs clearly needed help in defining a stable hierarchy between themselves , which usually prevents such dangerous conflict .
29 The rebels also secured support in London from opponents of the court party .
30 The guests greedily snuffed cocaine , ate platefuls of designer salad , listened to Amelia 's Jean-Michel Jarre CDs , smoked ordinary cigarettes and weedy joints , and talked about cars and mortgage rates and money and dry rot and Eastern Europe and computers and their weight and Christmas and sex .
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