Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Certain types of mental illnesses result in a diminished awareness , so that the sufferers are not able to be completely responsible for carrying out the activities to achieve a safe environment .
2 In addition , the activities have a variable delay imposed during their execution to minimise the adverse effect on interactive users of LIFESPAN .
3 Elf astrologers and geomancers studied the portents to divine the best time for the new king to begin his reign , and calculated the best time for him to pass through the flame .
4 The instrument of war was the national State and it mattered little whether that State was called the beachhead of a world working class or simply an ordinary republic : the disciplines remained the same .
5 Suggestive crop-marks at the point where the projected line of the defences meets the emerging east-west street have also been photographed from the air , but proof of another gate here will have to wait for excavation .
6 The very size of the defences emphasizes the local wealth available when compared with other large and small towns in the province .
7 But the defences have no military significance .
8 The arrangement of the oceans in relation to the continents plays a decisive role in creating and sustaining life on Earth .
9 The forms have no definite shape , as they change from round to round , but they are vaguely humanoid and attack with limb-like appendages .
10 If the essays describe the exciting journey , the postcard gallery , the sandwich lunch and little else , the content analysis of such essays will be quite illuminating !
11 The remaining yeast in the casks turns the residual sugars into alcohol while the natural gas produced escapes through a soft porous wooden peg knocked into the shive hole on top of the cask .
12 But the circulars reflect the changing picture on the ground , revealed in the national monitoring exercises conducted by the SSI and health regions .
13 Twenty-four hour , 365 days a year fast emergency response is included in the contracts to ensure the maximum convenience to customers and guests
14 All summer English cricket has been highly suspicious about how the Pakistanis made the old ball swing about so violently .
15 Within this context the acts represented a high point of sanitary interventionism .
16 On the one hand , the Acts generated an extensive public resistance amongst the women in their community .
17 The Acts introduced a whole code of procedure , the Rules of the Supreme Court , which in various ways assimilated the Common Law and the Equity procedure , taking the good points of both .
18 Nevertheless , the apparent acceptance of prostitution in the Acts evoked a strong response from feminists , led by Josephine Butler , and from social moralists , which was directed particularly against the state regulation of vice .
19 The Acts include a general clause which says that the corporation should keep proper accounting records and should present its accounts in a form laid down by the relevant Secretary of State .
20 When in 1952 Michael Ventris announced he had succeeded in deciphering Linear B and that it was an archaic form of Greek , howls of indignant refutation were raised by the fraternity of linguistic experts as a matter of course , and when , with that beautiful sense of timing which nemesis has , a whole library of Linear B tablets was unearthed in Pylos on the Greek mainland one year later , translations of which confirmed Ventris 's conclusion , the experts did the only thing they could under the circumstances : they accused the discoverer and Ventris of having forged them .
21 The experts say a good manmade holt can be better appreciated than a natural one
22 The experts say a good manmade holt can be better appreciated than a natural one
23 After the greyness and isolation of winter , the crowds seemed a mad profusion of seething colour , all the time moving , all the time talking .
24 As well as the Coronation , the crowds lining the rain-soaked streets of London , and at street parties and gathered round the spate of new television sets the Coronation had sparked , were also celebrating some news from the other side of the world .
25 It was some time after the crowds stormed the Presidential Palace compound in northern Bucharest in the late morning of 22 December 1989 that they found a confused old lady in a bungalow in the grounds .
26 The Fellowships have a primary end in themselves in providing the route to sustained abstinence from mood-altering substances and behaviours .
27 At first the mobbers showed the typical agitated response but then , when the stuffed bird failed to retaliate , they dashed in for violent physical assaults on its body .
28 One of the checks computes the current reference pixel count as a percentage of a previously saved ‘ normal ’ value .
29 He stresses the ways in which the period from the early 1960s to the mid-1970s saw the effective by-passing of local elites , including councillors , because of the development of other central-local linkages .
30 There is no universal agreement , for example , that the mid-1970s represented a fundamental break in political attitudes — aspects of the ‘ new ’ capitalism coming from the Conservative party in the mid-1970s can be traced back to Churchill 's administration in the early 1950s ( Raban , 1986 ) .
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