Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It will be appreciated that much of the discussion and some of the judgments made in this note turn on an uncertainty in English law , i.e. the extent of the Gallagher jurisdiction .
2 The later chapters on the regions of Britain describe particular local features but for each region you should remember that many of the people are engaged in the activities indicated on these pages .
3 Thus support for families who are helping to care for an elderly frail relative was built into the activities planned for social service departments from the beginning .
4 Some indication of how this operates can be seen in the last extract quoted , other answers to these questions are to a certain extent dictated by the nature of the activities involved in each specific arts subject , and the way they are examined .
5 Previously , she had felt that the activities provided for retired people were not sufficiently mind-stretching and seemed to be based on younger people 's vision of what pensioners wanted .
6 The activities required for successful operation of the EPH were known , and , based on the acquired knowledge of the EPH environment , those activities that were suitable for computer support could , in consultation with the client , be identified with reasonable accuracy .
7 It does not restore the immunities enjoyed before 1979 , but it confirms the right to strike and gives strikers protection against dismissal .
8 The accessories come in three distinct qualities — Standard , Superior , and High Tech — so that you can choose the quality of the accessory needed for the job in hand , and the quality of finish required .
9 The continents sit on shifting plates that form the outer crust of the Earth ; and the oceans fill the spaces in between .
10 As defined by present mean sea level the continents account for 29 per cent of the Earth 's surface area and the oceans 71 per cent , but if the break of slope represented on the global hypsometric curve is used the figure for the continents is nearer 37 per cent .
11 And typically the forms used for such display are versions of the cultural forms adopted and displayed by the ruling classes .
12 For example , the Xs representation of teaching , , ( teaching ) is first expanded into the forms shown in 1 — 9 :
13 The Arbuthnots hunted on odd days with the Meath and Tom lived for the sport .
14 Collectively , however , the service was not well regarded in the schools since it was seen to be enact many of the tendencies referred to earlier .
15 Some want a revolution as thorough as the one that has changed the exams taken by British 16-year-olds .
16 Sections 6 and 7 of the UCTA override these provisions , and , in effect , provide for mandatory inclusion of such warranties in the contracts covered by these sections , since the easiest way to exclude liability for breach of such warranties is to exclude them altogether from the terms of the contract .
17 Since the Vendor will have entered into the relevant contracts in the first place it is for the Vendor to take the risk as saying whether or not the contracts fall within these categories .
18 It is also true that British companies got more than 76% of the contracts stemming from official British loans and grants in 1989 .
19 It should be noted that the maturity variable differs between the contracts traded at any moment in time .
20 It is the responsibility of fundholding general practices to decide priorities for research in the context of the population 's needs and the contracts set with each provider .
21 Do the acts done in this particular case fall within that description ? ’
22 Repeal feminists justified their entry into the political arena on the grounds that the issues raised by the acts touched on all the great trusts of their womanhood — the questions of virtue , purity , decency and social welfare .
23 The acts range from verbal abuse — continual taunts of ‘ Paki ’ , ‘ Nigger ’ , ‘ Blacky ’ , ‘ Chocolate face ’ , ‘ Black bastard ’ — to vicious physical attacks by both boys and girls in corridors , on playing fields and at bus stops ; hospitalization for broken bones , stitches and broken noses is not uncommon .
24 This was provisionally arranged for early May 1994 , after Easter but before the ACTS gathering on 25 June .
25 The Acts passed by Labour Governments , the Wheatley Act ( 1924 ) and the Greenwood Act ( 1930 ) to assist local authorities , were both used very extensively by subsequent Conservative and National Governments .
26 The experts travel in various guises : support teachers , unit teachers , special school teachers , child guidance workers , educational psychologists , special education inspectors and others .
27 The attitudes ascribed to Soviet women in general could just as easily be observed among Western women .
28 They also vary greatly depending upon the attitudes adopted by individual ministers .
29 Here the experimenter effect is maximal , and the correspondence of the attitudes expressed to those that operate in every-day life is not easily determined .
30 The phase of education in which Oxfordshire teachers are working is significantly associated with the attitudes represented by two of these factors : the efficiency and the potency of SSE , the teachers in the primary schools being the most positive , those in the secondary schools the least and those in the middle schools occupying a middle position .
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