Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [verb] that [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 But the experts say that Britain 's rivers are much poorer without them .
2 The perambulators swore that Henry II had afforested the whole of Huntingdonshire , with the exception of the demesne hays of Weybridge , Sapley and Harthay ; the county ought therefore to be disafforested , except those hays and the king 's demesne woods of Brampton and Alconbury .
3 All the signs suggest that Christie can now reign in Spain — and burst from his blocks at 8 o'clock tonight to become the man who steps into Lewis ’ golden shoes .
4 The same line of attack was used against Massachusetts ; the charter had already been under examination , and in 1684 the courts ruled that Massachusetts had exceeded its authority and the charter was forfeited .
5 ‘ Quality of life ’ was at stake , and the courts concluded that Mr. Bland 's life was not worth preserving .
6 Then , after the invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979 , Carter 's policy was suddenly reversed , the Cold War was revived and the Germans found that Ostpolitik was also put at risk .
7 The X-rays confirmed that Leonora 's skull had come off surprisingly scot-free from her adventure .
8 While at the end of 1985 there were fears that the price of crude would drop as far as $15 , by the end of July 1986 a leading article in The Times reported that Brent crude stood at ‘ a paltry nine dollars a barrel ’ .
9 When the Saudis insisted that Aramco impose tight control over the destination of its oil , the company got tanker captains to sign affidavits as to their destination and arranged to receive cabled acknowledgements of each ship 's eventual arrival at the approved port or terminal .
10 Until the kidnappers knew that Maxwell had the money ready they would n't name a place .
11 MVS was never objectively the best mainframe operating system : all the cognoscenti insisted that Burroughs Corp 's Master Control Program knocked it into a cocked hat .
12 The authorities said that Hong Song-dam was not imprisoned merely for sending his paintings to North Korea and books to Koreans in Germany , but because his paintings and contributions to a magazine Art Movement were aimed at promoting a Marxist-Leninist revolution .
13 The authorities said that Mr Porras , who was deported on the grounds of having an expired visa and using falsified documents , had lived in Ecuador under an assumed name since 1987 and ran a Quito company trading in farm machinery , glassware and industrial security equipment .
14 The authorities claimed that Jorge Quintana Silva was rearrested because he had contravened the conditions of his earlier release , although they did not specify how he had done this .
15 The authorities claimed that PKK guerrillas killed eight civilians in the south-east on April 20 .
16 The notebooks show that Nietzsche was prepared to rethink the precise shape of the book well into 1871 , but almost all of the numerous plans there — including some which appear to be earlier than " Socrates and Instinct " — point to a book centrally concerned with tragedy and recognizably related to BT .
17 He is a young friend of Stepan Verkhovensky , and when the notebooks record that Granovsky ( Stepan 's prototype ) has got out of hand they are also heralding the novelist 's escape into a fictional mode of enormous suppleness .
18 As well as being technically superb , the pictures reveal that Thomson certainly had a gift for composition and a feeling for light and atmosphere .
19 A close look at the pictures reveals that Julie 's colourful , distinctive top had vanished .
20 A proclamation issued by the ill-fated Queen Jane announced that Mary wanted to bring ‘ this noble , free realm into the tyranny and servitude of the Bishop of Rome ’ , and the letters which the council sent out to the provinces declared that Mary 's accession would have resulted in ‘ the bondage of this Realme to the old servitude of the Antichriste of Rome ’ .
21 If , then , all the evangelists agree that Jesus is the unique bearer of the Spirit , in whose power he ushers in the Messianic Age , they are no less agreed on a second vital point .
22 The report , by researchers at Glasgow University 's Centre for Housing Research , was based on a study of nineteen BES companies in Scotland and the authors conclude that BES entails a misdirection of public resources which would be better employed as direct payments to housing associations .
23 From measurements of annual ice-layer thickness over the past 15,000 years , the authors find that Greenland 's climate , emerging from the last ice age , twice shifted from glacial to inter-glacial conditions over an astonishingly quick 3–5 years .
24 The Scots claim that Malcolm offered homage only in respect of his holdings in Cumbria and the largely anglicized Lothian ; William and his successors chose to interpret the acknowledgement as embracing all Scotland .
25 The Jews believed that God controlled everything : the forces of nature , Israel as his chosen people and also the destiny of all other nations .
26 The Jews believe that God promised Israel to them because they are Abraham 's heirs .
27 And arrowheads and other debris excavated from the ruins indicate that Qumran , too , opposed the Romans by force of arms .
28 160 , the visitors observed that Lord Denning was not using the word ‘ delegate ’ in the narrow sense in which it is sometimes used today any more than Lord Mansfield had when he used the same word in a similar context in Rex v. Benchers of Gray 's Inn , 1 Doug .
29 Inevitably the first two months of 1951–52 promised little or no improvement and the directors decided that Dawes and his colleague would have to go .
30 The eyes of the world may be on Microsoft Corp Windows NT , but over at the IBM booth they are pulling out all the stops to show that OS/2 is far from dead .
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