Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 It even had a shot at controlling motorway service areas , provoking a debate which encapsulated many of the attitudes of the time .
2 The system of accounting which recognizes the transaction in the accounts at the time an order is issued is called ‘ commitment accounting ’ .
3 Thus Caesarius of Arles was accused by one of his own clergy of committing treason with the Burgundians at a time when they were ruled by the arian Gundobad .
4 The importance of living up to what was required by one 's status and what one had been used to came out over and over again in the discussions of the time , and ‘ prudence ’ became a moral imperative in the process of becoming axiomatic in the 1830s and 1840s .
5 ‘ The eschaton is a future event but , to the extent that our lives are determined and qualified by it , it is also a contemporary event , an event that can be seen in the signs of the times ’ ( Nolan 1976:76 ) .
6 He spoke of the need to ‘ discern the signs of the times ’ : ‘ We should make our own Jesus ’ advice that we should know how to discern ‘ the signs of the times ’ ( Matthew 16.4 ) , and we seem to see now , in the midst of so much darkness , a few hints which augur well for the fate of the Church and humanity' ( Abbott , p. 704 ) .
7 He spoke of the need to ‘ discern the signs of the times ’ : ‘ We should make our own Jesus ’ advice that we should know how to discern ‘ the signs of the times ’ ( Matthew 16.4 ) , and we seem to see now , in the midst of so much darkness , a few hints which augur well for the fate of the Church and humanity' ( Abbott , p. 704 ) .
8 It assigns to the local churches the task of discerning the signs of the times , for ‘ in view of the varied situations in the world , it is difficult to give one teaching to cover them all , or to offer a solution that has universal value ’ ( no. 4 ) .
9 Another speaker , Michael Traber , WACC 's Director of Studies and Publications , said : ‘ It is the task of the mass media and theology to read the signs of the times and to interpret the changes that occur in the world in order to make sense of them . ’
10 It was established in 1983 to publish books that interpret the signs of the times according to the needs and pastoral demands of the Church .
11 Indeed here more than anywhere we may detect the Council 's most characteristic of orientations in comparison with all other Councils : a concern with ‘ the signs of the time ’ ( Gaudium et Spes 4 and cf. 44 ) , things outside the Church 's own life , the major problems cultural , economic and political of the contemporary world .
12 It is true that cases of seditious words brought before the courts at the time of the disturbances show that disaffection was often expressed in terms of a belief in Stuart legitimism : in early 1715 , Londoner Phillip Hide cursed King George and said " he had no right to the Crowne of England " , whilst on 29 May 1715 , during the Jacobite demonstrations in London , John Burnoist was noticed to be wandering the streets shouting " James the third is right and Lawfull King of England " , the " protector of the protestant religion " , and " George is a Usurper to the Crown " .
13 That such contracts have done so may be taken to show with at least strong prima facie force that , moulded under the pressures of negotiation , competition and public opinion , they have assumed a form which satisfies the test of public policy as understood by the courts at the time , or , regarding the matter from the point of view of the trade , that the trade in question has assumed such a form that for its health or expansion it requires a degree of regulation .
14 The farthing was still a useful unit of currency and the coins of the time had a grace and beauty which have since disappeared .
15 ‘ He was talking to the headmasters at the time and was not prepared to pose .
16 In the meanwhile , do you think you could persuade a few more salmon to get into the rivers around your neck of the woods by the time next season opens ?
17 At the 1983 Annual General Meeting Robert Naish lost his role by a substantial margin to Basil Peacock , who joined the Club as a Junior before the War , and was Secretary to the Bondholders at the time of redemption .
18 It was a pleasant place , Blackheath , a shade too respectable for someone into the tablets of the time , and full of kids — unlike Small — waiting to go to university .
19 Horoscopic astrology , according to which the positions of the planets at the time of birth determines the fate of the individual , did not develop until much later .
20 Then there are the men and women who give up trying to strengthen their weak areas because they are informed that the conjunction of the planets at the time of their births will not allow them to do so .
21 Another increasingly common way round the rules at the time was to engage in lease/lease-back arrangements , which became more and more complicated as the rules surrounding them tried to plug loop-holes , until they were finally outlawed in 1987 .
22 If he had given me the £5000 , under the rules at the time I would have had to donate 15 per cent to the British Board — totally unfair in my view as I had had to find the sponsorship myself .
23 I , I actually think they probably did use up all that was possible available to them at the time , and so , in some ways , this is against the spirit of the policy , although the policies have been changed , and I hear what Councillor said about improvement to the place , and so I do n't think we 'd serve any useful purpose in stopping these people doing this , because they 're probably not the people who were responsible for the flagrant disobeying of the rules at the time .
24 Now we know some of the reasons behind the time situation .
25 Hoccleve is distressed by the corruptions of the time ( which recur in the main work as well as here ) .
26 It has even been darkly insinuated by Paolucci ( in Beccaria , 1963 ) that he may merely have been used as a front by his radical friends , the Verri brothers , who were too much in trouble with the authorities at the time to risk writing it themselves
27 She apparently told her , contrary to the impression given in the former interview covered by Document B , that she never condoned her daughter 's going away — which she referred to rather dramatically as a ‘ kidnap ’ — that she did everything she could to bring the matter to the authorities at the time , but ‘ was prevented ’ , that she had certainly never agreed to her daughter living with her brother , that her daughter 's health had suffered alarmingly , and that she never told any social worker that she had agreed .
28 But looked at in its full historical perspective , Karajan 's career from 1929 to 1949 was as subject to trauma , disruption , and the vagaries of the times as the next man 's .
29 Swimming defiantly against the tides of the times , Moonshake place much emphasis on their lyrics and thus run the risk of being seen as old-fashioned .
30 I 'll bet if the offices of The Times got vandalised , we 'd hear about it , all right . ’
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