Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [prep] time [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Group members have to co-operate within the disciplines of time and equal opportunities for participation .
2 We have all inherited personal preferences in one shape or form by a variety of different roots ; some of those origins are clear , others of them are lost in the entanglements of time and circumstance .
3 But any form of ‘ editing ’ the file card in this way must introduce some small risk of giving an impression that is slightly awry , and we would prefer the UAPT practice of invariably giving the ‘ black ’ information entirely unabridged , although recognising the savings in time and therefore the cost that the CD procedure must allow .
4 Hall has made the covers of Time as well as the Village Voice , and ascended into ratings heaven ( only one rival tops his statistics : the evergreen Johnny Carson Show ) .
5 We went on to talk about the articles in Time and Tide that had so provoked Rebecca West , and Father D'Arcy observed how , in dealing with ‘ difficult ’ correspondents , it was important to strike the right note in replying .
6 A judge of status and quality ought not in my view to have agreed to conduct such an enquiry within the limitations of time and scope imposed by the prime Minister .
7 It will break through the limitations of time and space .
8 In Read v. Lyons , Lord Porter commented that ‘ non-natural user seems to be a question of fact … and in deciding this question I think that all the circumstances of time and practice of mankind must be taken into consideration so that what may be regarded as dangerous or non-natural may vary according to the circumstances . ’
9 The persons solicited in this way reacted with annoyance , perhaps indicating that they supposed that they were being solicited for the purposes of prostitution ( the magistrates having found as a fact that ‘ it would be impossible for anyone so touted or solicited without enquiry to appreciate the purpose of the solicitation , and that a solicitation for this purpose in the circumstances of time and place was such an affront that it might provoke a breach of the peace . ’ )
10 And , even if they are an adequate summary of the externals of time and chance to which all are subject , what about the inner life ?
11 Now , from rock nineteen ninety three style , let us move slowly back into the mists of time and a real rave from the grave : Elvis .
12 The origins of local government in Britain are lost not so much in the mists of time as in a fog of detail .
13 But he stresses that the progress in contemplative experience , reformation in feeling developing from reformation in faith , is part of an organic process of growth to a peace and fulfilment the longing for which is innate in man who may mistakenly and unnaturally think it resides in material circumstances : Scale 2 is pervaded by a sense of the reality of a dimension to human experience beyond the confines of time and sin , though it is only accessed through them .
14 Some of those waves at the bottom of the world — I mean you can tell by the look of them they have come from the beginnings of time and will roll right over you and go on rolling for ever .
15 Like Plato , he believed that the concepts of time and the universe were inseparable , each being essential to the other .
16 In spite of the distances of time and culture , we also discover that we can learn from the great men and women of faith who lived before us .
17 Meanwhile , I had intervened in a wrangle which had been going on in the pages of Time and Tide over some articles Eliot had written .
18 ‘ In the same way in which a person 's job can say something about the way he values himself and sees himself as being valued , there was considerable talk [ in the group ] about assessment and much time was devoted to the problems of time and motion and job evaluation .
19 The method of studying early Anglo-Saxon archaeology by equating process with typologies , and the demonstration of clustering along the dimensions of time and space , only inform us that some systematic process was at work .
20 ‘ You see , one of the advantages of being dead is that one is released as it were from the bonds of time and therefore I can see everything that has happened or will happen , all at the same time except that of course I now know that Time does not , for all practical purposes , exist . ’
21 Such attacks were reinforcing the pressures on time and space which in a changing economy were restricting the room allowed to traditional recreational forms .
22 The Maya pictured the divisions of time as burdens carried by a hierarchy of divine bearers who personified the respective numbers by which the different periods of time — days , months , years , etc. — were distinguished .
23 The little church has suffered from the rigours of time and town planning , normally a lethal combination , and survived .
24 In a reply to Openshaw 's strictures Webber ( 1980 ) , however , reiterated the difficulty of working with such vast data sets and with new complex statistical procedures involving dozens of variables , and claimed that the classification was as far advanced as any could be , bearing in mind the constraints of public policy and the realities of time and cost .
25 The car has been through several variations of engine size , but now like an ageing but still beautiful dowager , repeated facelifts can no longer wholly hide the ravages of time and progress . ’
26 The earthquake , paradoxically , helped preserve the ancient city both from the ravages of time and from the hands of looters .
27 Benedict was near thirty , and yet his face and form had withstood the ravages of time and circumstance .
28 While the factors of time and the sheer difficulty of analysis partly explain the relative failure of donors to provide a meaningful public assessment of aid programmes , they do not explain the cumulative inadequacy of the results which are available to date .
29 This , he claims , is because of the inherent qualities of the written word writing makes the relationship between a word and its referent more general and abstract , it is less closely connected with the peculiarities of time and place than is the language of oral communication .
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