Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [noun sg] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 In addition the large and perfectly matched pearls outlining the margins of the mitre crown and the balas ruby of 414.3 carats mounted at its apex were enough to proclaim her ready access to the treasures of the orient .
2 The Derry republicans had organised a Release the Prisoners Committee in 1962 , but they then retired into obscurity until 1966 , when six members were arrested for taking part in an illegal Easter Rising commemoration .
3 PAUSE to think that if Ireland had n't beaten England 17-3 in last week 's rugby international they might not have had any players at all in the Lions squad of 30 to tour New Zealand .
4 Rupert Murdoch is to reduce the price of The Times newspaper to thirty pence .
5 The report is now referred to the Personnel Committee on 11 May 1993 and on agreement will be implemented as soon as practically possible thereafter .
6 As the minutes edge towards 8.30 she receives signals from all the technical stations .
7 Quite separately , the monopolies legislation of 1948 , with its general if vague aim of ensuring a ‘ fair ’ degree of competition outside the nationalised industries , implied acceptance of the operation of private enterprise in ways which were substantially inconsistent with the extension of' industrial planning .
8 The most common version is illustrated by its evidence to the Monopolies Commission of 1968 and repeated recently to the Royal Commission on Legal Services :
9 But increasingly , doubts , some of which can be traced back to a general report on the supply of professional services by the Monopolies Commission in 1970 , were raised about whether restraints on competition in the professions are necessarily beneficial .
10 Its aims and objective were more complex than , and entirely different to , those of the late medieval guilds which had , until their dissolution under the Chantries Act of 1547 , taken under their wing the organization of the last of the Christian ‘ Seven Acts of Mercy ’ , the burial of the dead .
11 The two passbooks — for a Savings Account and an Investment Account — have been the basis for the savings habit of millions of people throughout the United Kingdom .
12 If you look in the Windows/Drivers area on CIX you 'll stumble across a file called CANBJWIN.ZIP .
13 Others , however , objected to the replacement of the Schools Council by two unelected bodies ; they saw dangers in the minister ‘ surrounding himself by people of one opinion ’ , and in the ‘ centralized patronage ’ which was said to characterize the new arrangements , and they detected the eclipse of the values of curriculum pluralism for which the Schools Council had stood .
14 It 's the supporters club at 9 , team selection at 11 , etc . )
15 Back-bench revolts are not unknown , e.g. the Shops Bill in 1986 , and many government sponsored amendments represent concessions made by Government to its own supporters .
16 Hot favourite after the first two races is Witton-le-Wear-based Harry Williams ' Pond Curlew , which is unbeaten off 8 metres , winning by 5 9 and 7 lengths , with a best time for the 450-metres trip of 27.44 secs .
17 As Chief Secretary of the Treasury from November 1990 he is said to have been crucial in ensuring a record settlement for the Arts Council for 1992/93 .
18 Following the record increase in Government funding of the Arts Council for 1992-93 , I am delighted that the council has decided to increase its touring budget for England for next year by over 19 per cent .
19 LORD Rix has quit the Arts Council after seven years , accusing it of ‘ devising fatuous so-called policies ’ .
20 Rittner ran the Arts Council from 1983 to 1990 , was subsequently made Britain 's Cultural Director of the Seville World Fair and is a non-executive director of Carlton Television .
21 The author presiding at his last meeting as chairman of the Arts Council in 1972 .
22 He also tried his hand as a film director , though less successfully , and wrote a play about a German who sought to take out a patent for gas ovens , which was staged to scant acclaim at the Arts Theatre in 1965 .
23 He won a substantial increase in the arts settlement for 1991/92 , giving the Arts Council a 11% rise and the national museums and galleries a 8.5% rise .
24 He takes over his job at the telecommunications regulator on 1 April .
25 By this I take it he means the miners strike of 1974 .
26 After quickly dispatching such topical issues as the accounting treatment for war damage contributions and claims , it proceeded to issue a series of accounting recommendations , many of which were subsequently enacted in the Companies Act of 1948 .
27 The consequences of the Companies Act of 1862 were perhaps greater than that of any single measure in English parliamentary history .
28 An equity or share is a certificate of ownership and confers on the holder specific rights and privileges which are determined by the Articles of Association ( for example the voting rights attached to each class of share ) , the Memorandum of Association and the Companies Act of 1985 ( see Chapter 2 ) .
29 The parents association of one school funds the commercial printing of calendars on A3 sheets of quality card .
30 Mr Rooker , MP for Perry Barr in Birmingham , discovered the existence of the POWs Fund in 1976 and publicised it in the Midlands .
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