Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [noun sg] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Guide-lines Commission interpreted an ambiguous statutory injunction that it take correctional resources into ‘ substantial consideration ’ as a mandate that its guide-lines not increase prison population beyond existing capacity constraints ( Tonry 1988 ) .
2 The workflow software recognises the type of query from the keyed data , gives the document a priority code , and automatically checks with the accounts computer to verify the sender 's details .
3 She found that , for both the stock indices and four of the five currencies , the futures price led the spot price by one day , the only lag considered .
4 Subsequently , the futures price led the spot price by five to ten minutes and , at a time of rapid price movements , this resulted in a large negative basis .
5 Harris ( 1989a ) and Moriarty , Gordon , Kuserk and Wang ( 1990 ) studied the basis of the S&P500 during the crash and also found that the large negative basis was substantially reduced when allowance was made for stale prices , and that the futures price led the spot price by a few minutes ( even after allowing for the stale prices effect ) .
6 A change in the futures price generates an immediate payment or receipt of variation margin , which must be borrowed or invested until delivery .
7 If the futures price exceeds the spot price , the basis is positive ( a situation known as contango ) .
8 For index futures there is clear evidence that the futures price leads the spot price by a few minutes , while for lags of a day the evidence is much weaker .
9 Once again , the futures price equals the spot price plus the net cost-of-carry , the difference between US and UK interest rates ( i.e. r = r $ ; , d = r ; ) .
10 Yet again , the futures price equals the spot price plus the cost-of-carry , the difference between money market rates and the dividend yield on the stock index .
11 They found that , for each index , the futures market led the spot market by a few minutes .
12 Initially , the spot market led futures but , by the end of the data period , the futures market led the spot .
13 As has been seen , the futures market presents a particular challenge to the regulator to ensure that investors are given adequate protection from the potentially high risks and volatility involved in the futures market whilst at the same time ensuring that the efficient operation of the markets is not unduly impeded .
14 With some aggressive buying , the futures market maintained a hefty premium all day and after hours trading in the June Footsie contract suggested that market is all set to go better again today .
15 One could not get a dispensation from the mines inspectorate to increase the manpower .
16 The restaurants are designed so that the chefs area provides the focus of the operation for diners .
17 The second is to give the courts power to sentence the serious cases in the way that they deserve .
18 The guardians committee had the power to levy contributions from relatives for treatment and maintenance of patients in the hospital , and appeals against those orders were forwarded to the guardians from the parent Public Assistance Committee at the Shire Hall .
19 Level 1 — calls the getBoundaries procedure to compute the blackout and whiteout levels .
20 Mowbray had met such men before ; some of his commanders in the knights hospitaller had the same gift as Athelstan of sensing every thought .
21 The ground floor of the Times Building housed the Business Office ( Circulation , Want-Ads , Accounts and the private office of Mr Thomas Miller ) at the front ; behind it was the Composing Room with its rows of eight linotype machines along the north wall and the fonts of type and form-tables .
22 The company bought a six-page advertisement in The Times newspaper to announce the new factory .
23 The type of computer system used is very much a secondary consideration , and will depend upon such considerations as : enterprise size/number of employees number of physical locations range of personnel applications to be attempted whether enterprise is growing , contracting , static supply of computer professionals available budget available What is certain is that the personnel function needs a shared information system .
24 The store manager did indeed say he was a fairly hard-line manager looking for efficiency , whereas the personnel manager took a more compassionate stance .
25 A typical example would be where the personnel manager specified the rules for disciplining and dismissal of employees .
26 The personnel car accommodated the day and night orderlies , providing 56 seats by day and sleeping berths for 28 .
27 Evaluation of current practice , review of equipment ( including an audit of all ward refrigerator temperatures ) and planning of training in conjunction with the personnel department constituted the initial stage of the review process at Forth Valley .
28 Staff from the Pay and Conditions branch of the Personnel Department have the responsibility for updating the data base and producing standard reports .
29 The Hammers striker cursed the official after being called off-side seven minutes from time .
30 The Monopolies Commission took the line that the benefits of a more liberal regime outweighed any drawbacks .
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