Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun pl] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Surprisingly , among the inside players the bureaucracy did not occupy a particularly important role .
2 Constipation can also encourage cellulite formation — if the waste matter is not leaving the body through the normal channels the body will store it away from the bloodstream and again the islands of fat cells causing cellulite provide the perfect storehouse .
3 For the full-time units the experience of South Wales was perhaps typical — high stocking rates , small fields , ageing farmers or parents , and old buildings all contributed to the extra work load anticipated in the future .
4 Short-term benefits derive from crime prevention amongst the young and an improvement in their perception of the police , which it is hoped will have residual effects in the long term when they are adults , but the wider community in Easton is only addressed secondarily as parents or guardians , which limits the short-term effects the programme might have on improving its perception of the police .
5 In the broad channels the water flows easily and swiftly down very gentle gradients ( e.g. 1 : 2000 ) .
6 No answer , but perhaps he found something in the watchful face that was not quite mute , for he smiled , and deep within the hollow eyes a spark kindled .
7 In the pre-robotised days the job had a number of characteristics which job design experts would have recognised as leading to a reasonably high level of job satisfaction .
8 The Divisional Court referred to the Court of Justice of the European Communities the question whether Community law affected the conditions which a member state might prescribe for the entry of vessels in its national register and the right of vessels to fly its flag and carry its nationality .
9 In the indoor galleries a range of exhibitions and audio visual presentations provide background information about the lives and experiences of the thousands of other Ulster-American emigrants and the part they played in the birth and growth of the United States .
10 There was an even more temporary grant to ease the political problems the community charge caused — the community charge reduction scheme ( previously ‘ transitional relief ’ ) .
11 That it is here at all is an act of faith on the part of the Academy 's management , who were well aware of the political overtones the show carried in the States and has inevitably brought with it to London .
12 Microsoft Corp reiterated its pledge to support the MIPS chip with NT at a meeting of the ACE remnants the week before last : there 's no talk of making NT XPG3-compliant .
13 Outside the tall windows the darkness came suddenly , unexpectedly , without any long twilight .
14 Despite attempts to diminish the drain of people from the depressed areas the flow to the south continued .
15 In answer to foreign arming of the Spanish Fascists the European Left , led by the Communists , organized voluntary aid and recruited an International Brigade .
16 In many of the lower-wage countries the growth of this type of employment has been the only real employment growth .
17 ‘ Still another difficulty has to do with the specific words the counsellor uses .
18 He was troubled by the strange things the Rannoch eagles had said about the Wrath eagles being exterminated and wondered if his own capture had been part of that .
19 The strange experiences no doubt left an indelible mark on the memories of the three electricians who would never forget the malevolent power of that old wooden box .
20 To most people in the rural areas a car and a radio , and even electric power , remained luxuries they could not afford .
21 It was recalled that when the Community Charge was introduced and differential rating for the rural areas of the borough ceased , to compensate the rural areas the Borough Council undertook to pay Parish Clerks ' salaries and to be responsible for the maintenance of playing fields .
22 The solid lines mark the edge of the mylar sheet , the dotted lines the boundary between the two motifs .
23 The professional plans the presentation to suit the message and achieve the objective — not to ‘ put on a good show ’ .
24 AS DAY DAWNED in the remote jungle of the Venezuelan Amazonas the traveller reached for his sodden clothes and rotting boots , shook them free of invading ants and poisonous hairy caterpillars , and crawled from his smelly , fungus-covered mosquito net .
25 However , in the right circumstances a Court Scheme can be more attractive ; those circumstances are examined , and the advantages and disadvantages of using such a scheme and the procedures involved are explained below .
26 This was a liberal middle-class reformist cop-out guaranteed to give the right women a step up in the power stakes as well as provide appeasement for male consciences which were getting a bit ragged at the edges from the constant battering of Irish feminists .
27 Given the right conditions the growth of the foliage will be quite fast and as the days get longer the flower buds will start to appear .
28 They said I could work just in termtime as long as I give them notice of the definite weeks a month in advance . ’
29 Before the regional elections a year ago he was constantly predicting that his party would win 15-20 per cent of the vote .
30 For the regional banks the ratio increased from 64% to 68% over the same period .
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