Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] must [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In deciding just what sort of advertising he needs , and what he wants to advertise , the retailer must consider a number of factors , including :
2 Also , if the publisher enters into liquidation , the writer must have the right to terminate the agreement and get back all rights to his or her songs .
3 The auditor must determine the reasonableness of these individual judgments and it may be that specialist ( non-accounting ) assistance will need to be sought .
4 The winner must waive the normal six months ' grace afforded to a champion and defend it on a 50-50 purse basis when called upon .
5 The drafter must have a clear idea of what the terms are intended to achieve ; broadly , he/she must have ( 1 ) a sound grasp of the relevant law applying to contracts of supply and ( 2 ) a clear understanding of the nature of the client 's business and the client 's particular needs .
6 In order to achieve these objectives the drafter must have a clear understanding of the following matters .
7 The Parliament must have the power to confirm or deny the Councils ' nominee as President of the Commission , and then to approve or not the President 's choice of Commissioners — and subsequently to sack them if necessary .
8 To be effective , the programmer must have a clear objective , and be able to predict areas of difficulty and provide subroutines to deal with them .
9 The midwife must establish the deaf mother 's own method of communication and understand its uses and limitations .
10 To recognise a spoken word the computer must match the pattern of information from the input with one or more of the models stored in the current library .
11 In the family proceedings court the clerk must consider the need to give directions on these matters on receipt of an application .
12 While the known antioxidant actions of the aminolsalicylates are compatible with the proposal that ROM play a major role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease , proof of the hypothesis must await the outcome of controlled trials in the human disease of more specific agents that interfere with oxidative metabolism .
13 As Nourse LJ held : The description must have a sufficient influence in the sale to become an essential term of the contract and the correlative of influence is reliance .
14 The taxpayer must pay the commissioner 's costs before this Board and in the Court of Appeal .
15 ( 2 ) The offer must be made by paid advertisement in two national newspapers ( and the buyer must notify the Quotations Department of the London Stock Exchange and the target company of the terms thereof at least seven days before the tender offer closes ) .
16 Where the price is not determined as mentioned in subsection ( 1 ) above the buyer must pay a reasonable price .
17 ( 2 ) Where the price is not determined as mentioned in sub-section ( 1 ) above the buyer must pay a reasonable price .
18 To exercise his right to treat the contract as repudiated by the seller 's repudiatory breach , the buyer must inform the seller that he regards the contract as at an end .
19 He can include a clause stating that , while he is not aware of any intellectual property right which may be infringed by the possession or intended use of the goods being sold , he takes no responsibility for the existence of relevant third party intellectual property rights , and the buyer must assume the risk of infringement of the same .
20 It was held that the buyer must bear the
21 However , even in this case , unless the parties agree otherwise , the buyer must bear the ‘ risk of deterioration necessarily incident to the course of transit , ’ section 33 .
22 In such a case the only way to make sense of the rule that the buyer must bear the loss is still to make him pay whilst allowing him to take whatever remains of the goods .
23 For instance , a limitation or exclusion of liability could be justified by a preamble or postscript to the clause explaining that its purpose is to limit liability so as to enable the person protected by it to obtain insurance cover , and thus keep its costs down : In order to enable the Seller to insure against its liability under this contract , the Seller 's liability in respect of any defect in the goods or any loss caused by such defect is limited to £n ; the Buyer must bear the risk of any loss in excess of £n and should insure against such loss .
24 As an alternative to restrictive covenants ( eg the buyer may build only one single-storey dwelling on the land hereby agreed to be sold ) , there may be positive covenants that the buyer is to be required to observe ( eg the buyer must erect a larchlap fence on the length of the left-hand boundary of the property ) .
25 ( 3 ) If the buyer is to give the seller an indemnity against breach of covenants under which the seller might have continuing liability ( eg the original lessee under a lease or a seller who has previously given a personal covenant not limited to his or her period of ownership ) , then again , to bind the buyer to the covenant , the buyer must execute the document .
26 In this situation the buyer must pursue a claim under the SGA 1979 for his money back or any other settlement .
27 Intriguingly , the aphrodisiac contains a chemical that the butterfly can not manufacture and so , in order to create his perfume , the male must gather the vital ingredient from a particular withered flower .
28 Entrants to the University must satisfy the General Entrance Requirement .
29 When accepting the SSR , the user must specify a range of modules for which the SSR is relevant , after which the package and specified range of versions are added to the list of modules to which the SSR refers .
30 Level 5 — at this level the user must specify the area of the reference card and the order of averaging .
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