Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] take [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In one cycle , the algorithm takes one operator out of the list LOp and applies it to N , so producing just one child .
2 Article 4 requires that persons or organisations with a legitimate interest must have the opportunity to take legal action against breaches of the ban .
3 In SCOTVEC 's new Quality Framework , centres will be given the opportunity to take devolved responsibility for elements of quality assurance which are currently administered centrally by SCOTVEC .
4 ‘ There is also the opportunity to take British Horse Society examinations to stage three and gain other relevant qualifications including First Aid and Road Safety .
5 To gauge the effectiveness of the appeal of the plaque , consider that of the ten donors of $500,000 or more , only one has forgone the opportunity to take public credit for their magnanimity ; and of the thirty-one contributors of $100,000 or more , all but six , ( three have underwritten exhibition and outreach programs ) .
6 For another , it was the opportunity to take proper revenge for the discomfort that Private Eye had caused him over the years , a revenge more satisfying than that afforded him by the Music Box April Fool 's joke .
7 Because your money will be in a unit trust fund that specifically invests in UK companies , by opening a PEP now , you have the opportunity to take particular advantage of the potential growth in the economy .
8 The writer takes modest satisfaction that his comments in Action Stations 7 , the Scottish airfields volume , about the lack of a memorial struck a chord with a survivor of Freshman .
9 It seems realistic to expect the auditor to take such information into account in his review of the audit and the person acting as auditor also needs to be aware of other non-audit work on his client that partners in his firm may be doing such as for example tax work and they in turn should consider whether any information that may arise from their work is relevant to the conduct of the audit and where it is , they should also consider whether it is relevant to the duty to report to the regulator , the partner carrying out the audit should also if possible , discuss it with his client .
10 The Board takes necessary action on the basis of these figures .
11 The midwife took one look at me — the head was already on its way out — attached a fetal monitor and told me to push .
12 As the computer takes more responsibility for routine and mundane processes and tasks , the computer professional has yet more opportunity for creative effort .
13 The ban takes immediate effect for fish caught in the South Pacific : the import of drift-netted fish from elsewhere will be banned from July 1 , 1992 .
14 Both parker ( 1980 ) and Walker ( 1985 ) have shown that ill health is an important factor in the decision to take early retirement .
15 The decision takes immediate effect and will remove for many workers the threat of reprisal from aggrieved party officials .
16 Then in 1976 when the sterling bubble burst the constraint took another twist , with a falling exchange rate helping to boost the inflation rate and depress real wages .
17 The Fundació has its premises on loan from the local government for fifty years , which is fortunate as the building took some finding , and cost Pta .
18 As he strapped the cleansing blade to his left arm , a thrill of carnal excitement shuddered through him at the prospect of another kill , as the bloodlust took full possession of him , banishing the last vestiges of sanity from his sick mind .
19 Does the course take due regard of the UKCC 's Guidelines for Good Practice ?
20 It was a terrific grind with all the work at the College to take first place , and Greek and French to be squeezed in somehow .
21 The result of the vote taken last week was relayed to SO management last Friday .
22 The warnings ( like those on the packets ) will no longer be attributed to the Chief Medical Officers , except the strongest warning , ‘ Smoking Kills ’ , to which the industry took special exception .
23 But his involvement in Darlington 's planning for the future takes immediate effect .
24 ‘ Coherence ’ in trade policy is an elusive quality , whether or not the president takes active charge of it .
25 It began to look as if the way was clear for members of the department to take any action they chose , in the sure knowledge that their decisions on how to deal with problems such as the W family would be implemented .
26 In the last days of the campaign Churchill returned to the attack , pointing out the danger to the parliamentary leadership of the Labour Party posed by the National Executive ; but Attlee replied patiently , explaining the constitutional position of himself and his colleagues as he saw it ; naturally his supporters — with the exception of Laski himself — did not gainsay his arguments , and on the whole the electorate took little interest in the discussion .
27 Whereas the DoT almost ‘ directed ’ the BGA to take some action , they failed to direct the CAA , to co-operate ’ .
28 I discuss this issue often with tourists I take trekking in rural Nepal , and my line is that the photograph takes second place to the opportunity for personal contact and an understanding of the culture .
29 The trainer took daily charge of the team , and on match days the manager just sat in the stand .
30 The Club took this opportunity to make several course alterations which were opened for play in August 1922 .
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