Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] i [verb] no " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 John Smyth QC reported to Mrs Whitehouse that , ‘ having seen the play I have no doubt whatever that a prima facie case exists that a criminal offence has been committed ’ .
2 I would like the members of this authority to have a look at the reply I make no apology for the length of the reply to Mr 's very important question .
3 Through the window I see no star .
4 Through the window I see no star and he talks about the darkness , yes , good .
5 So we 've discovered quite a lot about it all really but erm in the second stanza he says , through the window I see no star .
6 Now I have a salaried job instead of running the home I have no time to do the shopping , take the car to the garage or wait in for service engineers of various sorts .
7 During the three weeks I used the machine I had no cause to doubt this .
8 ‘ After seeing the exercise I have no doubts .
9 ‘ At the moment I 've no thoughts at all about preparing for the next World Cup ’ , said Best .
10 You see , at the moment I have no desktop machine and not full-sized keyboard to hammer .
11 At the moment I have no plans for the future except I want what 's best for my little girl .
12 as a matter of pure English law , at the moment I have no idea what the answer is
13 I 'm sorry I kissed you earlier , but I swear on the Bible I 've no intention of ravishing you on the kitchen floor before supper — or any other time . ’
14 At the preview I asked no one in knew anything about it .
15 But I mean being in the water I had no life jacket or anything like that so it was a matter of trying to keep afloat and er kicking off my boots and getting me overalls .
16 At the time I was talking to the magistrate I had no doubt at all that the Duke of Marlborough would give evidence for me , if necessary .
17 ‘ I used to work so hard in the week I had no energy left to enjoy weekends and I became awful to live with .
18 Mr Bill Dixon Smith ( Tory ) used to be a near neighbour until recently , but although I understand he is still in the area I have no idea if he still takes an active part in the council elections .
19 Not being a frequent visitor to the area I have no way of knowing whether this was a freak occurrence .
20 And though I am well aware that you , Kim , are the main cause of the trouble I have no alternative but to punish all three of you . "
21 When I first met Christopher Pilkington at the Centre I had no idea he was a priest and remember asking if he was the healer as one might question a plumber 's identity .
22 I , I says , I 'll let you know sometime today or tomorrow and er anyway , he was expecting me to say at least two or three or four weeks you know er because I 'd put the situation I had no tools , no nothing and erm I er had a look at it and I thought what I could do , and I says I can let you have them in a week .
23 In practice it is not usually important to mark pauses at the beginning and end of a passage ; in the rest of the book I put no lines on short examples and only single lines around longer ones ; the boundaries within a passage are much more important .
24 In the end I heard no more about this requirement .
25 But in the meantime I had no interest in remaining , not in what I found an ossuary of the spirit .
26 Why Sandra Riverton resigned from the company I 've no idea .
27 ‘ Because of the angle I had no chance of getting it over the bar with my right foot so I simply hit it with the left and it went over . ’
28 ‘ At the time I had no real plans but just knew I wanted to be in a group .
29 I made no notes of these visits to Out Patients , for at the time I had no idea that I might one day feel my experience with cancer sufficiently interesting to write about .
30 At the time I had no other reason to come home , but when I heard my mother only had a short time left it was the only place I wanted to be . ’
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