Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] have [art] long " in BNC.

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1 The base had a long history as home to the packers , as well as medical and catering units .
2 The convent has a long tradition of illustrating cards and books with delicate hand-crafted watercolours and inscriptions .
3 Talk of a realignment on the centre-left of the spectrum has a long history .
4 The Association has a long history ( dating back to the end of the last century ) , and the ESRC funded project will complement existing work on the period before 1946 .
5 The horse has a long neck , and that helped me get back in the saddle , ’ he added .
6 The village has a long history .
7 The Diplodocus had the longest neck of all the dinosaurs .
8 But it is also worth noting that evidence has been found of burials and drainage channels that appears to be pre-date any of the recorded cathedral buildings , and it now looks as if the site has a longer ecclesiastical history than was thought . ’
9 As outlined earlier , low temperatures past and present are also indicated by the evidence that the Moon has a long history of outer rigidity .
10 The CAB has a long history of mobilising professionals such as lawyers , accountants and surveyors , to advise clients on a voluntary basis but there are very few lawyers who specialise in welfare benefits or money advice .
11 If properly fitted to the shaft the boot has a long life .
12 Like other key notions in psychoanalysis , the sense of desire as a quest for an always impossible self-completion in or through the other has a long though oft en unrecognized history .
13 On the contrary , the idea of the Kingdom had a long history in the life of Israel , and the coming of Christ coincided with a feverish wave of expectancy within the nation .
14 At present , we are the only party prepared to grasp the nettle and to recognise that consumers ' interests require both effective competition in the marketplace — the Government have a long way to go before they create that — and effective regulation where the market can not produce a solution .
15 The study of the state has a long history in the social sciences .
16 The valley has a long history of fact and legend , and age has mellowed its few buildings .
17 It is not surprising , then , to find that the clause has a long career in the documents .
18 Whilst recognising that such a survey would be of only indirect relevance to their present situation , the firm has a long history in the area ( since 1890 ) , and its management has an acute awareness that the present local employment situation is likely to deteriorate further without a mix of public/private initiatives .
19 The crab has a longer body than the other species shown here , and the legs are flattened and held away from the carapace .
20 The matter has a long history and is illustrative of how law can lag behind what is thought to be economically desirable .
21 Additionally , the needle has a long groove in its front face .
22 Freedom of the press has a long history , but it is only since 1980 that the right to communicate and the freedom that it entails has been seen as the very centre of human rights , and indeed as a precondition for a meaningful implementation of other human rights .
23 The company has a long association with Ford , and recently introduced the 1400 cc Rover powered K-Series of cars .
24 The King Charles Spaniel is slightly smaller than the Cavalier , and has a domed head and snub-nosed face , while the Cavalier has a longer muzzle .
25 The unit had a long servicing history
26 The School has a long and successful tradition in team games and competitions .
27 If the individual has a long position , his actual rate of return over the one-year holding period ( rh ) ( assuming T= I ) is .
28 Within the family itself , each member contributes as part of the system , being in some way a member from birth through to death , so that the system has a long history .
29 The region has a long history of human activity ( section 3.2.1 ) , and although erosion has always been a problem it has intensified considerably in the last 100 years as deforestation has accelerated and grasslands have been degraded .
30 Social theory of the family has a long history of debate on structural explanations , that is on whether family types adapt as appropriate to the social and economic world .
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