Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [to-vb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 As it was er quite late on a Sunday evening I did in fact take the opportunity to listen at the door of the flat in question .
2 With superb research facilities and growing international demand for our expertise , CTL gives you the opportunity to work at the forefront of toxicological research .
3 If anyone ever gets the opportunity to stay at the Savoy , then my advice is — take it !
4 Now he had the opportunity to stand at the counter with one of his mates and talk about other things .
5 The model presented here of working with parents enables the clinician to progress at the parents ' rate of change and understanding .
6 After an anterior myocardial infarct there is a tendency for the heart to bulge at the site of the damaged muscle .
7 She had rejoiced at her childlessness , and even found the heart to laugh at the lamentable end of her father 's fond dynastic ambitions .
8 The ridicule to which the dupes are condemned may be explicitly orchestrated by the author , by providing characters within the text to laugh at the victim .
9 Gloria lead Dot up the outside steps from the basement to look at the cotton flags flapping in the sun .
10 If there is no stated requirement for a quorum , persuade the Chairman to start at the advertised time even if only you and he are present .
11 I loved the programme and the people but I made the decision to leave at the right point , before I could grow bored . ’
12 I went behind the music-stool to look at the Greek pottery .
13 He says I 'd like the university to look at the problems , not just the symptoms .
14 I 'll probably have to do me tour of the quayside to start at the beginning where we went
15 Long ago , Isaiah Berlin drew a distinction between ‘ positive ’ and ‘ negative ’ liberty : we all have the freedom to dine at the Ritz , in the sense that no one stops us — Berlin called this ‘ negative liberty ’ .
16 As they do not actually devour the tissue but merely pierce through the skin to get at the sap inside , the problem of making contact can become a little more difficult .
17 ‘ The Queen felt it would not be right for the duchess to stay at the main house , even though there is room , because of the marriage split .
18 They cover the whole spectrum of agriculture and forestry and deal with the necessity to arrive at a situation where we no longer talk about a common agricultural policy but a common rural policy .
19 But disabled people gathered in Duke Street during the ceremony to protest at the scheme .
20 JH : Do you feel when listening to ‘ authentic ’ orchestral performances that there is an inevitable tendency for the musician to have at the root of his interpretation a whole series of experiences and influences which must at least sub-consciously be drawn from the post-Wagnerian school ?
21 There 's a proposal for the Bounty to land at a vast shopping centre planned at Thurrock .
22 Aware of this , he spins on his back in the manner of a break dancer and the spin gives him the momentum to strike at the legs of the attacker .
23 Having searched this field to the best of my ability I left with the intention to return at the earliest opportunity .
24 No oranges will taste the same as those we ate on t hose Saturday mornings , saving the peel to throw at the screen when Roy Rogers brought out his guitar to serenade Dale Evans across a Texas campfire that was flickering in an enchanted cave in a Manchester street .
25 You may not feel that this is always necessary with designs that can be knitted automatically , since they will appear on screen in colour , but it is a great memory jogger and , rather then going back into the programme to look at a design , the colours and design may be seen from the printout .
26 He had learned also that if there were a continuing nightmare in Israel then it was that an Arab enemy might one day possess the capability to strike at the Jewish heartland with nuclear weapons .
27 She twisted in the seat to peer at every building , her eyes seeking the upper windows above shops rather than the goods on display , as if she were looking for someone .
28 It was developed specifically for the larger urban workshops and consists of an adjustable loom with a device which , by altering the tension on the warp strands , shifts the completed work to the rear of the loom , allowing the weaver to sit at the same level throughout the entire rug-making process .
29 ‘ Every day , the first thing I do when I wake in the morning is go to the window to look at the pond .
30 He laughed wryly , walking over to the window to stare at the view she had enjoyed such a short time before .
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