Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [v-ing] over the " in BNC.

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1 The peaks surrounding glacier-dominated Saas Fee may be less distinguished , but the ice-falls of the Feegletscher hanging over the village are in their way just as striking .
2 Most of us went , to savour talking to the man who abhorred women , in the forbidden room with its hard chairs and unopened windows and the heart bleeding over the door .
3 The owner 's son , a silent , backward man in his early twenties , was crouched by the lever that operated the wheel , struggling to stop the wind whipping over the pages of his comic .
4 Rain sat in the turquoise chair with the purple footstool , Oliver was on the settee not far from the replacement Chinese screen , Cobalt fingered the bronze bird , Tim stood in the doorway and watched the downpour slanting over the deck .
5 And yeah another one connected to this whole lifestyle , aspirational argument the image the brochures give us of a couple si sitting on a terrace with , you know , you can almost hear the music in the background , the sun setting over the sea .
6 Athelstan remembered the hen roosting over the beer barrel and kept his own counsel .
7 The Basque separatist organization ETA claimed responsibility on March 13 for sending five parcel bombs ( one addressed to the Interior Minister ) , one of which seriously wounded Fernando de Mateo Lage , the judge presiding over the Audienca Nacional ( the court charged with handling terrorism cases ) , when it exploded in his hands in Madrid on Feb. 27 .
8 When CNN reported on Nov. 8 that it had obtained tapes of his telephone calls , Noriega 's chief lawyer , Frank Rubino , successfully petitioned District Judge William Hoeveler ( the judge presiding over the case ) for an injunction prohibiting the network from broadcasting any material which violated the confidentiality of the attorney-client relationship .
9 Can I can I , before we go to Mr Potter , erm may be my slightly naive mind here but I distinguish when you start talking about a strategic site approach to planning for and one of provision within North Yorkshire er as being different from an approach based on major exceptions in that in the sense that you would actually plan for the ability to cope with what my colleague calls the ointment coming over the horizon .
10 The traditional type of plotter is known as a ‘ flat bed ’ plotter because the paper is fixed to a flat plate with the gantry travelling over the top but the disadvantage is that the plotter must be at least as big as the piece of paper .
11 Next morning , painful rays of sunlight somehow filtered through the haze hanging over the city .
12 ‘ Then it must have been the stream running over the rocks , ’ said Betty .
13 Actually her global role as described in the handout makes her sound like a sort of spy satellite , beeping her way round the globe peering over the shoulders of Random House New York , Random House Australia , and for all I know Random House Namibia .
14 And if you 've ever been there and taken the trip on the little boat which takes you right in to the base of the falls themselves , you 'll have seen that there 's a hydro electric station which takes power from the water at night , when some of the force is diverted , and instead of the water going over the falls it goes through the hydro electric station .
15 The force of the water coming over the day and pounding through the debris is what creates the rapid .
16 They also ask to send the ball singing over the Stockade at Flinders — ;
17 He saw the ball hanging over the flag and let the club slide down through his hands , a sure sign that a pro likes his shot .
18 Headache from the back of the head going over the forehead worse ( < ) night , noise , cold air , better ( > ) heat and pressure .
19 ‘ That you ’ Means the person driving over the prescribed limit , i.e. the identity of the driver .
20 It is a psychologically unrewarding task for the person soliciting over the telephone , and this is reflected in the vernacular term applied to the location from which such solicitation takes place — ‘ the boiler room ’ .
21 With one foot on the platform and the other hovering over the stairwell , I had to draw myself in with real concentration at every stop when the driver came round to unjam the ‘ automatic ’ door .
22 As I stood there with the pencil hovering over the ballot paper , the child 's voice echoed in my ear .
23 I was having a War at the time — the Mussels against the Dead Flies I think it was — and while I was in the library poring over the book and trying to keep my eyes open , soaking up all those damn silly Imperial measurements , the wind would be blowing my fly armies over half the island and the sea would first sink the mussel shells in their high pools and then cover them with sand .
24 ‘ Is that the rubbish coming over the wall ? ’ asked Bob .
25 Since the swells were still partially coming over the reef and the wind holding at 15–20 knots , we also set the CQR down once again and streamed out 120ft ( 36m ) of ⅜″ chain : at least it would provide additional weight on the bottom , and should we drag we would hear the chain scraping over the rocks .
26 Barnes had been burning leaves by the haha , the bonfire still smouldered , the smoke drifting over the paddock .
27 It takes them long enough to cut a way through to the chimney of the air shaft , sawing through the rhodie branches and tearing away the brambles and other undergrowth ; then they lever off the iron grating over the shaft without any difficulty , and one of the younger cops , in an overall and a hard hat , wraps the rope around himself — proper climbing rope they had in the back of one of the Range Rovers — and abseils down into the darkness .
28 The sea 's cut into Slains 's yard is as deep and threatening as a wound , and on the far side , only a little sward exists between the front of the castle and the cliff standing over the water .
29 Frau Nordern raised her head as if appealing to the Deity presiding over the church .
30 High above me was the narrow gash of Attermire Cave and the craggy outcrop of the scar hanging over the valley like a wave of stone about to break .
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