Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [vb base] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 As to damages , the Board agree with the Court of Appeal that there was no evidence to support the judge 's assessment .
2 In the fifth group session entitled ‘ Focus on the Individual ’ , the counselling and the monitoring combine with the directing and assisting methods .
3 The basic question is : do the activities of the employee interfere with the employer 's legitimate interests or are they likely to do so ?
4 Stay in the car stay with the car and put these erm , motorists lights on .
5 at the outset of the search meet with the local firm to ensure full understanding of requirements .
6 Expanding into partial fractions and comparison of coefficients in the numerators establishes that or , following suitable algebraic manipulation , that Consequently and taking the inverse transform with the help of equations ( 11.33 ) , ( 11.34 ) and ( 11.38 ) where as in the series , resonant , step response .
7 The frame can be fitted to the wall outside the window reveal with a number of angle brackets spaced evenly along its length .
8 However , if artistic representations of my experience are to do more than merely reflect a personal trauma , it is imperative that the work connect with the common experiences of other women in the same or similar situations .
9 Well , the aurora 's caused when particles from the sun interact with the magnetic field of the earth and are deposited into the atmosphere and they bombard the atmospheric gases and cause them to glow .
10 I do n't think any of the committee disagree with the fact that people want jobs .
11 That leaves the Arts Council without any funding responsibility , while the power and the influence lie with the person who holds the purse strings the Secretary of State ’ .
12 Although British-born members of the community operate with the notion of two opposed varieties , " Patois " and " ordinary English " as we have seen , there is a lot of overlap .
13 Classical statements about the Incarnation begin with the assumption that God is anything but a particular human being … .
14 The crowd go delirious , the band respond with the entire concept .
15 The crowd go delirious , the band respond with the entire concept .
16 Heaven forbid , but the urge to shoehorn into the calendar as much of it as possible continues unabated , leading at times to brain-numbing events such as the three-match Pakistan versus England knockabout immediately after the World Cup — which was a bit like lighting the cigar after a five-course a la carte dinner , then having the waiter arrive with a tureen of porridge .
17 Enjoy a refreshing drink and the spectacular views of the Jungfrau mountain from the sun terrace in the afternoon , or in the evening relax with a drink in the rustic ‘ stuberl ’ bar .
18 In fact the street names and the rest belong with the extremely important disjunctive flotsam of the book : paintpots , old rope , the odd sock , boots that once belonged to the Secretary at the English Embassy , twists of paper , egg-shells , fish-guts , frayed blood-soaked strips torn from trouserbottoms and coat-pockets , an axe-sling in ribbons ( ‘ Little bits of tom linen can not possibly arouse suspicion ! , ’ ) half-eaten meals , small change , miscellaneous pawned objects , candle-ends , trousseau-stuff ( ‘ fancy boxes , dressing-cases , ornaments , dress material , and all that sort of junk from Knopf 's and the English Shop ’ ) broken crocks ( cherepki ) , and skulls ( cherepi ) .
19 When it 's all over around 2am , the crew celebrate with a drink or five upstairs , and Michaela tells us she 's just signed a record deal with London Records .
20 No geological features visible at the surface correlate with the fault , which is characteristic of intraplate earthquakes .
21 Everyone from security guards to nurses and secretaries helped make the day go with a buzz .
22 In parallel with USL 's initiative and in response to IBM 's transaction processing announcements , Unix International is also throwing its weight behind the Tuxedo push with the publication of a guide for integrating USL 's TP monitor with mainframe CICS .
23 Make sure that all the question numbers on the front of the paper correspond with the questions that you have answered , and appear in the order in which you have answered them .
24 Spending cuts were announced in November to help the government cope with the impact of the Gulf crisis on oil prices .
25 The Government agree with the Committee ( Nathan ) that there is no reason to change the present content of charity and therefore they do not propose that a fresh statutory definition should be enacted . ’
26 If the Government disagree with the conclusions of the PIEDA analysis , will they tell us what reports they have carried out to suggest that British Rail and PIEDA are wrong , or are they preparing to spend £4.5 billion , not on the basis of sensible planning , but by hunch , guess and God ?
27 Many descriptions in the novel begin with an item which is only mildly deviant , or a dead metaphor , and then reinvest it with metaphorical value , as in this example : " the slope led up to the gap and the mountain rose before them .
28 Now the followers of the cult identify with a son-god like Adonis , Attis or Osiris — not to mention Christ — who in himself comprises both the fixated worshipper of the mother ( Madonna and Child ) and the punished mother herself ( pietà ) .
29 The wiring scheme is the same for 12v or 24v , but the bulbs used on the trailer differ with the application .
30 Worms : Warmer parts of the world crawl with an interesting variety of worms .
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