Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [vb past] him [art] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , his setting out the poet 's connection with the primitive gave him the status of a societal elder , one who , lecturing in America , would pronounce on literature and society as Arnold had done less than fifty years before him .
2 The vet gave him a strong dose of painkiller , and after waiting in vain for a while to see if the pain eased , she decided to pop back into town to fetch an x-ray machine .
3 The referendum gave him a huge majority : 2773920 votes for and 2452 against the President .
4 The clerk handed him the envelope .
5 The cyclist gave him a parting kick as he pedalled off .
6 On the aircraft the stewardess brought him a copy of the Tollemarche Advent .
7 The imp gave him a kind but pitying look .
8 The youngster 's inclusion in the side earned him the name ‘ Boy Bastin' , as seventeen-year-olds in League football were much scarcer than now , and Bastin was in a class of his own with the fierceness of his shot , as a teaser of defences and as an expert penalty-taker .
9 One set was all they needed from the match but coach Tommy Dowens admitted the defeat left him a little flat in spite of the fact his team clinched the title .
10 The wind hit him the moment he left the vehicle , a ferocious gust off the nearby sea which nearly lifted him off his feet .
11 yeah and er , the , the programme condemned him a bit , basically he he did n't , there was , there was , he did n't seemed to take in a lo , a whole lot evidence from either side , you know , he did , he did , he did n't seemed to handle the case very well , it was sort of more like it just get it over with quickly and forget it sort of thing .
12 Benedict settled his own needs and the lawyer gave him a draft on Lady Merchiston 's bankers .
13 In his words , he ‘ sold ’ himself to the Norwich City Football Club , persistently going to the training ground when aged 14 and 15 , until the club offered him an apprentice 's contract .
14 And it was only after John had given up playing that Palace at last fell out of the 1st Division , so it was only right that in September 1974 the club gave him a richly deserved Testimonial for his magnificent services .
15 The club paid him the princely sum of £8 , a fee that has not risen much over the years according to some of Celtic 's more dour stars .
16 After a time teaching in a Scottish school , Fettes , the degree got him a fellowship in mathematics at his own college of Magdalene ; where he remained the rest of his long life — teaching mathematics , holding various college offices , going every week to Emmanuel Congregational chapel , and becoming after a time one of its deacons or church officers .
17 The cold cost him an arm and a leg , badly amputated by Würstchen , who had employed a rough-hewn rock to sever nerve , sinew and bone .
18 The girl gave him an undisclosed amount of cash and he hurried out .
19 The girl gave him an undisclosed amount of cash and he hurried out .
20 and er he would n't keep out , so , so in the end the caretaker got him a little chair
21 The poor sod does n't like it , but the boss gave him no choice .
22 By the reign of Queen Victoria the 3rd Marquess was the richest man in England and the Queen made him a duke .
23 Lorton was relieved that the clutch gave him no trouble : the wound in his leg had been designed to scare him , not to incapacitate him .
24 On 8 March 1991 the council sent him a standard form letter in terms reflecting those of sections 64 and 65 .
25 The specialist gave him a series of injections which did n't exactly help him feel happy .
26 The guard found him an empty compartment and locked the door .
27 The overseer gave him a look of grudging admiration .
28 He was only eight when Bruce Lee , whose 1973 film Enter the Dragon made him an international star , died mysteriously aged 32 .
29 When the judge told him the only sentence he could pass was that of life imprisonment , Meehan said loudly and clearly , ‘ I want to say this , sir .
30 Hickson alleged that while in the police station where he had been taken by P.C. Torney on a charge of having stolen 10&shilling from the pocket of his clothes in a cubicle at the Corporation Swimming Baths , the constable gave him a violent blow to the eye , and followed this up by two blows to the body … he was subsequently acquitted on this charge .
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