Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [noun pl] [noun] who " in BNC.

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1 In this , Ahmed Ashraf named two of the security police officers who had tortured him .
2 Some sort of dress rehearsal was clearly required for the Cypriot police officers who were only just coming to grips with wiretap technology , and , right on cue , one of Hurley 's informants passed the word that Abou Daod , a Lebanese drugs trafficker , was coming to Cyprus to set up a deal .
3 Denis Healey , nevertheless , had to contend with a wide range of critics , from socialists such as Benn who claimed that his successes resulted from such right-wing nostrums as a wage freeze and cutting public spending , to the monetarists of the Policy Studies Committee who attacked him for being far too dirigiste .
4 Before shaving , he rang his office and spoke to the woman police constable who acted as his secretary .
5 A witness in the family proceedings court who refuses to give evidence or produce any document once he gets to court may be committed to prison for a term not exceeding one month or fined up to £1,000 or both ( MCA , s97(4) ) .
6 ‘ We have nothing to add at the moment , ’ said a spokesperson for the betting shops association who advised bookies to withhold winnings after Jo N Jack 's success eight days ago .
7 On the other hand , what if , to take Posner 's example ( 1974 ) , an agency is called upon to regulate two opposing groups , like the Interstate Communications Commission who deal with truckers , railroads and bargees ?
8 Calcutt , the son of a Home Counties chemist who won a Cambridge scholarship after a minor public school scholarship and then held down a successful practice at the Bar , has a common Great and Good pedigree .
9 ‘ My obvious reaction was that he had gone to help her , ’ Mr Clarke , a community affairs officer who was travelling to police headquarters , said at Shrewsbury Crown Court .
10 A woman police constable who reported him has since had to be transferred ‘ after being cold-shouldered ’ .
11 In the first case , the appellant was a serving police officer who was charged with obtaining property by deception .
12 AN animal rights activist who hurled a smoke bomb across the counter of a burger bar was yesterday banned from all McDonald 's restaurants .
13 AN animal rights fanatic who carried out a bomb attack on a crowded McDonald 's was jailed for 15 months yesterday .
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