Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [prep] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 Suppose for the same data the x-variable was a measure of reading ability in fifty 7-year old children , the y-variable a test of spelling ability and the z-variable the response to the same type of test given six months later .
2 The response from the latter group of managers to the business plan would no doubt have made even more compelling reading .
3 Although acquitted of attempted murder and sodomy , Raymond Santana , 15 , Yusef Salaam , 16 , and Antron McCray , 16 , were also convicted on charges of riot , robbery and assault arising from attacks upon other people in the park on the same night .
4 Essentially slow-running and of limited horsepower , the majority of the many thousands of engines made by Hornsby between 1892 and 1922 were used as stationary engines for agricultural and general workshop purposes .
5 As the majority of the latter are either Moslem , Sikh or Hindu , it is understandable that the Church has encountered severe problems in trying to communicate her message , either with a view to attracting them into her fellowship or to see the significance of the gospel of Jesus Christ within their own cultural context .
6 Analysts also believe that the majority of the those people who would not disclose how they were going to vote were more likely to be Conservative than Labour .
7 Does the Minister recall the vandalism of the former Secretary of State for the Environment , his right hon. Friend the Member for Cirencester and Tewkesbury ( Mr. Ridley ) , who , at the very time that the White Paper was issued , turned down the inspectors ' recommendation for a tunnel under Oxleas wood ?
8 it like sends the thing down the old wiring and flicks the boiler off the same as with the heating once it gets up to temperature the boiler will cut off .
9 The cannon does not fire and you must test the boiler in the same way as at the start of the turn .
10 BULAWAYO , ZIMBABWE ( Reuter ) — Joshua Nkomo , 72 , threw a huge birthday and 40th wedding anniversary party at the weekend and President Robert Mugabe was there to seal the unity between the former rivals .
11 There was one more group dealt a glancing blow by the Prince around the same time : and this was Britain 's farmers .
12 But the rigour of the criminal law is relaxed in her favour by the provision of the same Act that , on a charge against her for any offence , other than treason or murder , it is a good defence to prove that the offence was committed in the presence of and under the coercion of her husband .
13 The argument does not depend at all on demand growth : it rests on the view that to invest in Sizewell to replace old , but not necessarily worn out , plant will actually cheapen the provision of the same amount of electricity .
14 ‘ In calculating the provision in the latter instance , an assessment is made of the likelihood of the property being taken into possession based on relevant past experience and current market conditions .
15 This is neither brash , spotty punk nor controlled smoothly executed musicianship but a careful balance which utilises the expertise of the latter and loses none of the instantaneous excitement of the former .
16 However some employers must have moved more quickly , since the Scotsman for the same day carried the following report : The masters say they have engaged workmen from England who have proved equal to the occasion , while for the past few weeks an experiment was made with educated females at the case .
17 They went to the fjord in the same old van , driven by the same large XU driver .
18 I just put the tonic in the same glass is that alright ?
19 At the time of writing , it has been disclosed at the trial of the former military junta in Buenos Aires that on 5 January 1982 it ‘ set up a working group to analyse the possibility of taking the islands ’ .
20 It had been announced , however , on June 26 that the trial of the former political leader Fadilj Hodza for instigating racial and religious intolerance [ see p. 37382 ] , had been adjourned indefinitely after defence claims of a mistrial .
21 That from the Reiss and Wagner study may imply only that , in their procedure , generalization decrement completely masks inhibitory effects ; the result does not require us to deny the existence of the latter .
22 There is no special law allowing A , B , and C to meet together in the open air or elsewhere for a lawful purpose , but the right of A to go where he pleases so that he does not commit a trespass , and to say what he likes to B so that his talk is not libellous or seditious , the right of B to do the like , and the existence of the same rights of C , D , E , and F and so on ad infinitum , lead to the consequence that A , B , C , D and a thousand or ten thousand other persons , may ( as a general rule ) meet together in any place where otherwise they each have a right to be for a lawful purpose and in a lawful manner .
23 Berliner Bank has taken over the Berliner Stadtbank , which emerged from the break-up of the former east German state bank .
24 Does my right hon. Friend agree that most sensible people in Britain recognise that expenditure on our nuclear deterrent is about the best and safest investment that we can make , especially in view of the alarming situation in Russia and the break-up of the former Soviet Union ?
25 The visit , the first by an Indian minister since the break-up of the former Soviet Union , reportedly aimed to finalize details of a defence co-operation agreement between the two countries ahead of Russian President Boris Yeltsin 's scheduled visit to India in January 1993 .
26 Top-level talks in Moscow on Nov. 3-4 produced the most important agreement between Cuba and Russia since the break-up of the former Soviet Union .
27 About two years before the Government Offices competition , he met Henry H. Hofland , who worked for W. B. Moffatt after the break-up of the latter 's partnership with Scott .
28 At this early stage the Communists persisted in repudiating national negotiation with the ILP leaders , despite the willingness of the latter to take part in such negotiations .
29 They included Gyula Horn , the outgoing Foreign Minister , of the Hungarian Socialist Party ( HSP — i.e. the successor to the former ruling communist party ) , and Péter Tölgyessy , a constitutional lawyer and leading SzDSz candidate in Budapest .
30 As regards the smaller parties , only the Party of Democratic Socialism ( PDS — the successor to the former East German ruling Socialist Unity Party ) and the Alliance 90/Greens gained representation .
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