Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [be] hold [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Cable & Wireless holds around three-quarters of the shares , the Hong Kong Government another 7 per cent and the remainder are held by outside shareholders .
2 The bulk of the remainder are held by companies who show a strong preference for holding the stock of companies with whom they have important trading connections .
3 Of the eleven general Forest inquests held during the period 1297–1305 in the forests of Rockingham , King 's Cliffe , Whittlewood and Salcey , Despenser presided at only one ; the remainder were held before Robert of Harrowden , his deputy .
4 It was unthinkable that a Bonaparte , the heir to the throne , should not receive a baptism of fire and the Prince was held to be old enough to face up to this .
5 In the main they all appreciated what was being done and it was obvious that the Board was held in high regard by this section of the industry .
6 The inauguration was held amid a massive security operation in the capital , Bogotá .
7 The sentence was held by the High Court of Justiciary to be competent : Graham v. Robert Younger Ltd. , 1955 J.C .
8 The minimum investment through the service is £5,000 and until invested , the money is held in the company 's Corporation Loan Account which is currently paying interest of 5.25 per cent gross .
9 If you pay through a travel agent , they 'll hold money on your behalf until a contract is created ( see above ) , after that the money is held by the travel agent on our behalf .
10 This case merited only a six-inch column in one newspaper , but probably failed to get widespread coverage on several grounds : the case was held outside London ( in Manchester ) and the case was not contested .
11 As the case was held over there was just time for Dorothy Hardisty to intervene .
12 Anybody who can read the Latin is held by the poem : its hold , however , is in the language , the typical Horation speed — for want of a better word — the eloquent economy of phrase , the loading of the text with allusions and with metaphors overt and covert .
13 In Georgia , where the referendum was held at the same time as elections for local councils , voters were asked : " Do you agree that the state independence of Georgia should be restored on the basis of the independence act of May 26 , 1918 ? "
14 The license is held by the local vicar , and part of the pub 's profits will go towards his church 's restoration fund .
15 v. Grant , or some other authority to the same effect , and saying that by our law an offeror can be landed with a contract even though he never receives an acceptance , since the contract is held to be complete on the posting of the letter of acceptance .
16 The hairs can be applied very closely to a smooth surface and adhesion occurs , the insect being held by surface molecular forces ( Arnhart , 1923 ; Gillett and Wigglesworth , 1932 ) .
17 The election was held on Thursday 6 December , and the result known the next day .
18 The decision was held to be unconstitutional by the Supreme Soviet Presidium on 20 November and the Baltic republics came in for severe criticism from other delegates at the Supreme Soviet session on 1 December which passed the constitutional amendments into law .
19 To uncouple , the hook was held in the off position from a lever in the cab , and the tractor just drove away from it .
20 The index is held on an IBM PC disk and is designed for oil companies and other would-be users of BGS data .
21 The function was held in the Bankers ' Club on Thursday 8th April 1993 .
22 On boats the rig is held in position with wire shrouds and top yachtsmen spend many hours tweaking and adjusting their controls for maximum performance .
23 The second half of the course was held on home territory — in the Kemps Hotel , close to the oilfield .
24 The course was held at the Darlington Deaf Club , which meets in rooms above St Mary 's Association Club on Raby Terrace .
25 The first general meeting of the College was held at the Blenheim coffee house on 8 April 1791 , under the chairmanship of Granville Penn , supported by Sir William Fordyce , Wm Stone , E. Topham , G.M. Ascough , J. Gretton , G.F. Steward , W.G. Brown , Dr A. Crawford , Dr Wm Drew , Richard Burton , James Burton , Francis Steward , John Baynes , Mr Grosvenor , Mr Peake , Mr Rivers , Mr Reuben Smith .
26 In Jones v Livox Quarries , the plaintiff 's position on the traxcavator was held to be one of the causes of his damage , although the most obvious risk to the plaintiff was that he would fall off .
27 The wedding is held at a worship meeting in which the couple make a declaration of marriage .
28 The wedding was held in 1920 at Mouthlock Methodist Chapel , at South Stainmore , where Mother was the organist and , much to her surprise and delight , the members of the chapel presented them with an inscribed silver teapot .
29 July 1945 , and as the number of people expected to attend was considerably more than the Chiswick Town Hall could accommodate , the ceremony was held at the Chiswick Empire , hired for the occasion , and to which ‘ Monty ’ accompanied by the Mayor , Alderman T. W. Stroud , J.P. , rode in a landau carriage through cheering crowds .
30 The ceremony was held at Poole station just before 0900 , in time for the train to make a special trip to the National Exhibition Centre at Birmingham for a commemorative Storm Force rally .
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