Example sentences of "[art] [adv] [vb pp] [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Within the temple , and clustered round it , were craft workshops where the locally gathered and imported raw materials were made into manufactured goods .
2 Furthermore Baldwin had to negotiate against the background of a damaging partial commitment by the Coalition Government , including the elegantly drafted but ill-judged Balfour note of July 1922 , and an American public opinion which was inward-looking and brashly commercial .
3 The double stapling technique was never applicable in these cases because of the widely dilated and thick walled anus ; hence a hand sewn ileoanal anastomosis was required .
4 The widely read and influential book of the French politician and columnist , ServanSchreiber , translated as The Amer–can Challenge ( 1968 ) , summed up these fears ahout the loss of economic independence , and recommended that European industry and commerce should learn from the methods of the Americans and try to beat them at their own game .
5 Most often identified with the widely known and popular Hybrid Tea , the bush form includes many different kinds of so-called ‘ Old ’ roses as well as ‘ Moderns ’ .
6 This religious sanctuary stood near Paderborn , and was a type of national spiritual or magical centre for the widely scattered and nomadic Saxon tribes .
7 He went on : The worst happened when British-Indian forces took over Rangoon on 3 May .
8 The ornately decorated and sculptured churches were parables and sermons in honey-coloured stone , miraculously preserved .
9 The US corporation Air Express International is one of the longest established and largest freight forwarders , with 27 subsidiary companies and a network of agents around the world and a turnover in excess of $600m a year .
10 At Sotheby 's the following day , the most debated and perplexing lot was an anonymous portrait of a praying cleric on a blue ground , inscribed with the sitter 's name , the composer Jacob Obrecht .
11 The technique of moving together on the rope is one of the most mistrusted and misused methods of travel in the mountains .
12 It might not be a complete oversimplification to state that many of the profession 's difficulties with the lay public stem from the public 's basic incomprehension of what we write ; and yet is it not the particular beauty of the English language that the most appreciated and elegant words are in fact the simplest and most easily understood ?
13 As a result , although the coverage is not as lively or interesting as it would probably be if the editors had more freedom , it is not nearly as stilted as many people feared ; it is certainly much better than the terribly restricted and monotonous presentation of the Canadian House of Commons .
14 SunSoft Inc president Ed Zander acknowledges the Solaris ‘ endorsements ’ he got last week from the hardware community are kind of lukewarm and skimpy — see page two — but he still claims , mostly for Destiny 's benefit , that he 's got the only tested and proven big-time distribution channel , namely Sun Microsystems Inc .
15 As the mind progressively clears in early recovery , the sense of guilt and remorse can be so powerful that the sufferer returns to the substance or process of addiction as the only known and practised method of suppressing unpleasant feelings .
16 The only known or suspected production sites are at Elsham in Lincolnshire comprising concentrations of burnt material and sherds of pottery ( which have not been excavated and which may represent the remains of funeral pyres ) , the excavated kiln ( ? ) at Cassington ( Arthur and Jope 1963 ) and possibly Sutton Courtenay ( Leeds 1936 , p. 28 ) .
17 In Muir Hunter on Personal Insolvency ( 1991 ) , p. 3037 , at para. 3–070 , it is suggested that the Theophile construction of the Act of 1914 is a somewhat artificial one , and the question is raised as to whether , under the new Act , unfettered by old case law , the long established but artificial construction will continue to be applied .
18 In other works , the pictures represent a record of the highly eroticised and mythological meeting of the artist and his model .
19 Regardless of its limitations , the system of Paracelsus seems more satisfactory than the highly regarded but crude reductionist models that came into vogue in later generations .
20 This is not to say there is no conflict between the haves and have-nots , the highly rewarded and those who receive little reward .
21 Rivetingly , at the exhibition a three dimensional version of this work made by a child was placed beneath the portrait , a delicious counterpoint to the highly wrought and sophisticated 17th century portrait .
22 The match commentator will be the highly experienced and versatile David Fordham .
23 One of the 84 co-sponsors of the Senate resolution was Robert Dole , the highly respected and influential Republican minority leader in the Senate .
24 Their report concludes that people should be ‘ enabled and encouraged to eat foods which are closer to the natural grain , vegetable or fruit than the highly processed and refined products which now form a large part of our food . ’
25 Colin Patterson on the other hand writes what is for me the most scholarly paper in the volume , pointing out that , from the transformed cladist point of view , the much discussed and abused term ‘ homology ’ actually refers to those characters that define natural groups of organisms and need have no evolutionary connotations .
26 Our aim is nothing less than than to make Britain the best trained and educated nation in Europe . ’
27 Is he aware that many of us are concerned because the next generation of inward investment will be attracted not by a low-wage economy or a low-wage work force , but by the best trained and educated work force in Europe ?
28 One Sunday , I went to one of the best planned and happiest birthday parties that I have ever been invited to .
29 This area contains some of the best designed and well-kept Georgian houses in the town , as well as a 19th. century blanket warehouse which has been converted into flats , all grouped round a small green .
30 We need a Government who will do better for our children and our young people , a Government with policies dedicated to making this country the best educated and trained nation in Europe .
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