Example sentences of "[art] [adv] [adj] [adv] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Not surprisingly they 're the most expensive too and the only type suitable to use with a pocket-sprung mattress .
2 Predictably , British aliens are the most normal around and are virtually humanoid in appearance .
3 Many conservation programmes in lesser developed countries have been initiated , financed and partly staffed by foreign aid donors , both multilateral and bilateral ( of which by far the most important financially and intellectually has been USAID ) .
4 This festival promises to be the most exciting yet and full details may be obtained by telephoning Flowerfield Arts Festival Centre on ( 026583 ) 3959 .
5 As saloons go , this might not be the most accomplished around but it is the most different , especially on the inside .
6 Since all goods are donated , most of them of high quality coming from the more affluent within and outwith the parish , charges for them can be minimal so providing a social service as well as a subsidy towards the hall expenses .
7 It is lively , flexible and responsive — a little noisy perhaps but not annoyingly so .
8 Traffic was a little heavier now and there were more people on the sidewalks .
9 At Harrods , Gardiner looked to be rowing a little short forward and Cambridge shot Hammersmith Bridge possibly a few feet ahead .
10 I must add that we will not be producing daily summaries , er I think it 's a task which is a fairly daunting on and quite frankly , er they will not be produced in the sense At the end That they would not be available at the end of each day .
11 On the larger bottom tier were several rather chunky pieces of Beth 's fruit loaf , baked in the manner which Maisie had taught her ; then came the apple cake wedges ; and finally , making a pretty pattern on the smallest top tier , the tiny sponge cakes , each one displayed in a pretty white doily and finished with a half cherry on top .
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