Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [to-vb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Their layered structure and microscopic size 100 times smaller than a skin cell — enable the liposome to penetrate into the epidermis easily and integrate with the intercellular tissue .
2 If there is heavy rain , the spillways must be enlarged to allow the floodwater to escape before the dam bursts .
3 While not giving details of the pricing , he said that the price-performance curve on the 80486 is the basis for pricing of the Pentium and that he expected the sort of dynamic that applied to the 80486 to apply to the Pentium as well — the 80486 being introduced at $900 to $1,000 and falling to $200 over a period of four years — at a rate of 30% per year .
4 One moment of madness by Norwich goalkeeper Bryan Gunn resulted in the penalty which earned the Swiss the draw they craved , leaving the Scots to reflect on a missed opportunity to stay on the fringe of the qualifying race .
5 Vertical equity is the Robin Hood principle of taking from the rich to give to the poor .
6 On the Ghosh approach an accused who steals from the rich to give to the poor must be acquitted if he believes that reasonable people would regard what he did as not dishonest .
7 It has been the growth in tax allowances that has allowed the rich to hide behind a smokescreen of high marginal tax rates , while , in reality paying an average rate far below that of many ordinary households ( see the answer given to Gordon Brown MP above , in ‘ Tax Benefits ’ , p. 99 ) .
8 Few questions ask the rich to struggle through the problems of the poor .
9 Television is at least one escape and just like all the other trivial pastimes , should allow the unemployed to participate at a reduced rate .
10 This sort of pressure , combined with fear of the Spaniards , made it easier for the English to work with the French who were settling in the same region of islands than earlier or later generations would have thought possible .
11 Linggajati enabled the British to leave with a good grace , and the last units were withdrawn by 30 November 1946 .
12 We 've got the French to thank for the explosion of patterned underthings in the 1980s .
13 The Djibouti government , he said , had never asked the French to mediate with the FRUD ; they had merely been asked to honour the mutual defence agreement signed between the two countries in 1977 , which they had singularly failed to do in the face of the FRUD " invasion " .
14 The botanist J. D. Hooker postulated a massive extension of land in the Antarctic to account for the similarity of plants between New Zealand , South America and the islands of the remote south .
15 This late start in railway communication with the outside world enabled Broadstairs and the Imperial to gain from the benefits of visitors , while still maintaining their reputation for selectness .
16 Japan could be of much importance in the event of war and it might be feasible for the Japanese to fight for the United States after a war had begun .
17 The second was even less of a contest , as the 24-year-old German broke Edberg 's first three service games — the second to love on an Edberg double fault .
18 It is one thing to recognise that the interests of producers and consumers are likely to be opposed : for the first will wish to sell at the highest , the second to buy at the lowest price .
19 Looking back after forty-five years had elapsed , he had the following to say about the ‘ Originals ’ of L Detachment .
20 KEENAIR WARBIRDS need the following to help in the repair of Fairchild Argus G–AJPl following an undercarriage collapse at Liverpool Airport on May 16 : starboard windscreen , both undercarriage legs , belly cowling , Hoffman prop and bottom exhaust ends .
21 IT IS said that the marketing and advertising course is now the hardest to enter in the University of Ulster , requiring ‘ A ’ -level grades that would have sent my generation scurrying off with aspirations of entering Oxford or Cambridge and a career in the fast track of the Civil Service .
22 Like Muddy , he went acoustic again in the mid-'60s to profit from the white-promoted folk revival , but mainly John Lee has stayed true to his Iron Man vocation .
23 It borders upon the tautological to focus upon the relationships between unhealthful reproductive patterns and the demographic characteristics of women who do or do not use contraceptives .
24 Support for the Ethernet local area network adaptor provides a second Ethernet connection and enables the 220 to function as a gateway with extra redundancy .
25 It was interesting , I thought , that as far as they were able in their maybe four-foot-wide stalls , most of them were standing diagonally across the space , the better to deal with the motion ; and they all looked alert and interested , sure signs of contentment .
26 He shut his eyes — the better to concentrate upon the cramped flexing of his muscles ; upon that monotonous , peristaltic thrust upwards as of some gross mutant baby ascending a vertical birth canal in defiance both of gravity and of sane obstetrics .
27 But this would be at a great price for the many to deal with the problems of the few .
28 The readiness of the poor to appeal over the heads of overseers to the magistrates suggests this .
29 Indeed , he had to hole from 12 feet on the 72nd to get into a sudden-death play-off with Bruce Lietzke .
30 The frightening prospects described in the Limits to Growth model may have driven geographers of the 1970s to turn to the problems of smaller areas .
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